Hemp, Hemp Hooray! Relegalize Today...michaelm and the Hypervue Trio |
You can now grow Marijuana for
medicine in Northern, Central, and Southern California. By 56% of
the popular vote. Over 4.5 million Californians voted yes on Prop
215. It allows you to grow for your friends who cant grow because
theyre either too ill, dont have the space or the time. You can grow
for PMS, Migraine, Back Pain, you name your ailment. All you need is
a note from your physician stating you prefer natures safest and
best medicine, Cannabis, over the pharmaceuticals toxic corporate
profits and patents. Its there waiting for you to do it.
All the founding fathers grew
cannabis on their plantations, by law since Jamestown 1619. If you
didnt grow canabis in the colonies you were fined and thrown in
jail. Every farmer had to give at least a quarter-acre of cannabis to
the government. You could pay your taxes with it right up to the
1820s. The very term legal tender meant you were bartering &
trading in hemp.
Why is it an illegal act for you
to grow your homespun clothes from hemp?
George Washington grew it. So did
Thomas Jefferson. They both smoked it. George Washington said, Make
the most of the hemp seed, sow it everywhere. Thomas Jefferson wrote
in his diaries that he smoked cannabis to relieve his migraine. It
was the second most prescribed medicine until the turn of the
century. The most perscribed medicine was Hashish. It was given to
women for child birth. It is the most natural form of pain relief on
the planet. Uh, George also wrote, I missed pulling my male plants
by two days, now I must wait another season for my Blossoming hemp.
All the pioneer settlers grew their herbal bush, you know they called
it herbal medicine.
Why is that herbal medicine
Its illegal because...
The petrochemical, pharmaceutical,
timber, alcohol, and tobacco industries would lose as much as 80% of
their profits when hemp is grown for paper, fabric, fuel, food,
medicine, plastics, lumber, and lamp oil. Earths #1 resource is
non-toxic, biodegradable, recyclable, and renewable.
Hemp, Hooray!
© 1998 Joseph Negrette: Drums Ricki Enriquez: Electric Guitar
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