Study: Low Doses Of THC Provide Cardioprotection
Sonic Bloom: Organic Farming with 500% Increased Production
You can Make TOFU from HEMPSEEDS !!!
It turns out that the real TOFU was not made from SOYBEANS before the 1930’s.
It was made from MARIJUANA SEEDS !
Actually The real name for Marijuana grown for food is HEMP.
HEMPSEEDS are actually a fruit and is the NUMBER ONE source of protein for the human species.
check out this article:
Soybeans were brought in to replace HEMPSEEDS even though Soybeans are number 100 on the list of best protein !!!
Making TOFU-MA (from hempseeds) is EASY !
just google ‘how to make tofu’ and then use HEMP MILK instead of SOY MILK.
I think it was changed so that when we were all smart enough to figure it out we would change it back…
The big problem is most of us are not even smart enough to quit eating cows yet !!
It seems that most of us are going to die, from STUPIDITY, and lack of motivation to change that.
Here’s the answer to the problem anyway, hopefully some of us will take it to heart and apply it in our lives.
I’ll say it again about Marijuana Prohibition
I have said it over and over, legalizing HEMP in America ain’t gonna happen. Industrializing the growth of marijuana for medicine in America IS going to happen, and it is for a good reason.
We are growing for the medicine part of the Cannabis pie for the world. China and Northern Europe get paper and clothes, south america for fuel, North America for medicine and Africa for food. global segregation of the uses of hemp provides protection from the genetic dilution of the strains that are used for their respective industrial applications.
It is as plain as the nose on your face if you try to find a rationale for the prohibition that goes beyond the little short sighted, greed based motivations of the “truffle-snufflers” who are in charge of making the segregation happen.
Jack herer prohesied that HEMP will run the world and what he says is TRUE! that cannot happen all in one place on the planet!!!
It is common sense…
mark my words.
the Maji
Thoughts on the chemical ‘Feminization’ of Cannabis Seeds
“Is the ‘Feminization’ of Cannabis Seeds for the purpose of forcing the plant to yield Pistillate or ‘female’ flowers NATURAL and acceptable?”
I grow traditional method, outdoors, THUNDERGRO™ treated, cull the males, and raise the females through the flowering process, and the use the graduated cull method to harvest the flowers. I feel like it is an important part of the process to let the seeds flower whichever way they wish to go, HOWEVER- I have experienced an ‘influence’ of older more mature flowering females over young undifferentiated (have not turned male or female yet)-
whenever I have a bunch of those (older flowering females) around, and also young plants, I have a HUGE increase in the number of the young plants that turn male! This influence must be happening by the females using pheromones or something, so in a sense nature is doing the same thing in a subtler way, soooo…….. still undecided on it, but lean toward the natural , NON PROHIBITION INDUCED methods and processes. I guess that would technically mean indoor growing as well.. tough to draw the line when we are a part of nature herself, so you are telling nature she cannot do anything she wishes!!! You see the conundrum I am attempting to reveal here…?!”
International Journal of Biological Sciences, Abstract, 2009 – We present for the first time a comparative analysis of blood and organ system data from trials with rats fed three main commercialized genetically modified maize, which are present in food and feed in the world. . . Approximately 60 different biochemical parameters were classified per organ and measured in serum and urine after 5 and 14 weeks of feeding. GM maize-fed rats were compared first to their respective isogenic or parental non-GM equivalent control groups. This was followed by comparison to six reference groups, which had consumed various other non-GM maize varieties. . . Our analysis clearly reveals for the 3 GMOs new side effects linked with GM maize consumption, which were sex- and often dose-dependent. Effects were mostly associated with the kidney and liver, the dietary detoxifying organs, although different between the 3 GMOs. Other effects were also noticed in the heart, adrenal glands, spleen and haematopoietic system. We conclude that these data highlight signs of hepatorenal toxicity, possibly due to the new pesticides specific to each GM corn. In addition, unintended direct or indirect metabolic consequences of the genetic modification cannot be excluded.
Wikipedia – A 2008 review published by the Royal Society of Medicine noted that GM foods have been eaten by millions of people worldwide for over 15 years, with no reports of ill effects. Similarly a 2004 report from the US National Academies of Sciences stated: “To date, no adverse health effects attributed to genetic engineering have been documented in the human population.” A 2004 review of feeding trials in the Italian Journal of Animal Science found no differences among animals eating genetically modified plants. A 2005 review in Archives of Animal Nutrition concluded that first-generation genetically modified foods had been found to be similar in nutrition and safety to non-GM foods, but noted that second-generation foods with “significant changes in constituents” would be more difficult to test, and would require further animal studies. However, a 2009 review in Nutrition Reviews found that although most studies concluded that GM foods do not differ in nutrition or cause any detectable toxic effects in animals, some studies did report adverse changes at a cellular level caused by some GM foods, concluding that “More scientific effort and investigation is needed to ensure that consumption of GM foods is not likely to provoke any form of health problem”.
Physorg, 2005 – A recent Russian study says 55.6 percent of the offspring of female rats fed genetically engineered soy flour died within three weeks. The female rats reportedly received 5-7 grams of the Roundup Ready variety of soybeans, beginning two weeks before conception and continuing through nursing. By comparison, scientists said only 9 percent of the offspring of rats fed non-GM soy died.
Furthermore, Russian researchers said offspring from the GM-fed group were significantly stunted — 36 percent weighed less than 20 grams after two weeks, compared with only 6.7 percent from the control group.
The study was conducted by Dr. Irina Ermakova of the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology in Moscow, a part of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The study was presented during the recent conference of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine in Tucson, Ariz.
The AAEM board issued a statement saying: “We recognize this study is preliminary in nature. It hasn’t yet been peer reviewed and the methodology has not been spelled out in detail. But given the magnitude of the findings and the implications for human health, we urge the National Institutes of Health to immediately replicate the research.”
A Public Service Announcement about Marijuana
New Survey Finds a Number of ‘Organic’ Soy Food Brands Importing Beans from China — “Silk” Soy Milk Abandons Organic Ingredients Altogether
“Health conscious shoppers should no longer associate Silk with organic, and should seek the green USDA Certified Organic seal when purchasing soy products… The good news in this report is that consumers can easily find, normally without paying any premium, organic soy foods that truly meet their expectations.”
Source: Charlotte Vallaeys, a researcher at Cornucopia Institute and the primary author of a new report that ranks mainstream soy brands based on how much they source their beans from U.S. Farmers.