SILVER: The Return of A POWERFUL Healer

There is a technology available now that harnesses PHYSICS and the powerful healing and anti-pathological properties of silver and provides POTENT PROTECTION against viruses, bacterias,fungi,molds,and all other pathogens.

The technology is available through a product called SONIC SILVER.

It is available at, along with more information… do check it out..

Is the world ready for ORMAJI™ !?

With all of the talk about ORMUS surfacing lately in the Raw and Natural Foods Communities, I have my attention on an amazing gift from Nature that is being brought to the world by a company out of Nevada called Highest Good Inc. with a name like that, you know the stuff must be good… get it at

Jesus ‘healed using cannabis’

Jesus was almost certainly a cannabis user and an early proponent of the medicinal properties
of the drug, according to a study of scriptural texts published this month. The study suggests
that Jesus and his disciples used the drug to carry out miraculous healings.The anointing oil
used by Jesus and his disciples contained an ingredient called kaneh-bosem which has since
been identified as cannabis extract, according to an article by Chris Bennett in the drugs magazine,
High Times, entitled Was Jesus a Stoner? The incense used by Jesus in ceremonies also contained
a cannabis extract, suggests Mr Bennett, who quotes scholars to back his claims.
“There can be little doubt about a role for cannabis in Judaic religion,” Carl Ruck, professor
of classical mythology at Boston University said. Referring to the existence of cannabis in anointing
oils used in ceremonies, he added: “Obviously the easy availability and long-established tradition of
cannabis in early Judaism _ would inevitably have included it in the [Christian] mixtures.”

Mr Bennett suggests those anointed with the oils used by Jesus were “literally drenched
in this potent mixture _ Although most modern people choose to smoke or eat pot, when

its active ingredients are transferred into an oil-based carrier, it can also be absorbed through
the skin”. Quoting the New Testament, Mr Bennett argues that Jesus anointed his disciples
with the oil and encouraged them to do the same with other followers. This could have been
responsible for healing eye and skin diseases referred to in the Gospels.

“If cannabis was one of the main ingredients of the ancient anointing oil _ and receiving
this oil is what made Jesus the Christ and his followers Christians, then persecuting those
who use cannabis could be considered anti-Christ,” Mr Bennett concludes.

The Maji


“his job is to share light and not to master..”

Stephen H. Saunders is available by appointment for spiritual consultation.


The Maji will discuss with you important information for personal upliftment and overall spiritual re-kindling of the awareness of who it is you already are, and what you are becoming, using a three-fold set of conversations, addressing, spirit, mind, and body, in each appointment session. Starting with a conversation between souls, the maji will address issues on an intuitive and psychic level relating to the soul mission and the individual’s current state of “energy body” awareness. In the second conversation, between the minds, The Maji will use divination and the Tarot to answer questions and help with decision-making concerning issues relating to health,relationships, and career. The third conversation is a conversation of sonic attunement between the individual’s body and vibrational energy set in motion with a rattle. Most effective with the individual present in the same room during the attunement, this process gives the individual’s body permission to let go of things on a vibrational level that an individual may require. Don’t miss the opportunity to take in this important personal information, drastically improve the quality of your life, and gain insight to the process which defines your life experiences, and empowers you to create and inhabit the reality for which you are longing.

Ask a question or two regarding the information you are interested in, frame the question contextually a bit and use your intuition to give me the information you think I might require to get to your answer for you……

Your answer will come within 48 hours.

methods of consultation are available.

The FIRST and most direct approach is by asynchronous

Order a reading using a secure shopping link using a credit-card number
(visa&m/c&discover&paypal accepted) by clicking here:

or send a check or money order for $25.00 to

0=2 po box 4083 balboa, ca 92661

SECOND approach is via telephone.This is the most popular approach.
Start this process by calling 949.544.1765
and leave your name, telephone number.

You will get a response within 30 minutes.

The THIRD approach is to visit the MAJI in person for a face to face reading.

cost of this approach is

minute with a minimum of fifteen minutes

Call 949.650.6929 to make your reservation with the receptionist at Visions & Dreams.



THE MAJI directly, to find out where he is currently in the country, and work out the logistics.