First Steps

It’s the hardest part of anything worth doing: taking that first step.

But for anyone who’s paying attention to what’s going on in the world—the intensification of global poverty and food insecurity, deteriorating public health, species extinction, rising sea levels and extreme weather events, refugees fleeing drought and famine, escalating geopolitical tensions—inaction isn’t an option.

It’s time to step up. It’s time to embrace hope. And our best hope is regeneration.

The paradigm shift from degenerative food, farming and land-use practices toward regenerative practices—those that regenerate soil, biodiversity, health, local economies and climate stability—is arguably the most critical transformation occurring throughout the world today.

But that transformation won’t happen fast enough, unless we all step up. And the best place to take that first step is in our own communities.

In “First Steps: Build a Regeneration Movement in Your Local Community,” OCA’s Ronnie Cummins offers suggestions for how to build a local core group to advance the regeneration movement.

Read Ronnie’s essay


Chemtrail Flu: Have You Got It Yet?

January 13, 2013

You¹re sick. Your nose is stuffy. Your body aches, You¹re sweaty, coughing, sneezing and you don¹t have enough energy to get out of bed.
It¹s not the flu. It¹s a conspiracy, according to Dr. Len Horowitz. His opinion is not based on conspiracy theory but on conspiracy fact.
Over the past 10 years, Horowitz has become America¹s most controversial medical authority. A university-trained medical researcher, Horowitz, 48, charges that elements of the United States government are conspiring with major pharmaceutical companies to make large segments of the population sick.
The mainstream media is reporting that hospital emergency rooms are jammed with patients suffering from a bizarre upper respiratory infection that doesn¹t quite seem like a virus. They are reporting that it¹s a ³mystery² flu and that the flu vaccines are ineffective against it.
³That¹s all hogwash, bogus nonsense², says Dr. Leonard Horowitz. ³The fact of the matter is, we have seen this type of an epidemic since the end of 1998 and the beginning of 1999. People have been hacking and coughing with this bizarre illness that does not seem to follow any logical viral or bacterial onset and transition period.
If it was a really bacterial or a viral infection, it would have caused a fever but it didn¹t. It lasts for weeks, if not months. Sinus congestion, sinus drainage, cough, fatigue, general malaise. People have been feeling ³off².
The Armed Forces Research Institute of Pathology has registered a patent for the pathogenic micoplasma that is causing the epidemic. You can see the patent report in the book, Healing Codes for the Biblical Apocalypse.
Micoplasma is not really a fungus, it¹s not really a bacteria, it¹s not really a virus. It has no cell wall. It goes deep into the cell nuclei thereby making it very difficult to mount an immune response against it. It¹s a man-made biological weapon.The patent report explains how it causes chronic upper respiratory infections that are virtually identical to what¹s going on right now.²
³I believe the chemtrails are responsible for a chemical intoxication of the public, which would then cause a general immune suppression, low grade to high grade, depending on exposure. The immune dysfunction allows people to become susceptible to opportunistic infections, such as this micoplasma and other opportunistic infections², says Dr. Horowitz.
³I first began to investigate chemtrails when some were sprayed over my home in Northern Idaho. I took pictures of them, and then contacted the Environmental Protection Agency of the state who were clueless and referred me to the Air Force. They got me in touch with Centers for Disease Control Toxicology, and after about a week I received a letter from one of their chief toxicologists saying, indeed there was some amount of ethylene dibromide in the jet fuel.

Ethylene dibromide is a known human chemical carcinogen that was removed from unleaded gasoline because of its cancer-causing effects. Now suddenly it has appeared in the jet fuel that high-altitude military aircraft are emitting!²
Ethylene dibromide is coming out of the jet fuels that is causing immune suppression and weakening people¹s immune system. Then you¹ve got a micoplasma microbe or a fungus that causes an upper respiratory illness. Suddenly you develop a secondary bacterial infection. Now you get hit with ANTIBIOTICS, and the antibiotics cause your body chemistry to go acidic, so now you get rashes and other things, your liver gets full of toxins and comes out through your skin in rashes and they get hyperallergenic reactions associated with the other chemicals. I¹ve got colleagues in the Bahamas, Bermuda, Toronto, British Columbia all reporting the same bizarre seeding of the atmosphere. What is going on is just despicable.
All of a sudden now you¹ve got human beings completely out of balance and infected by two, three or four microbial co-factors as well as intoxicated by a variety of different chemicalsŠ and you¹ve got somebody who¹s going to be chronically ill.
³The Frank Church Congressional Hearings of 1975 exposed the Central Intelligence Agency biological weapons contracting firms ­ Litton Bionetics and the Army Corp of Engineers who were developing and utilizing various biological weapons on populations. And this is all done under black operations, covert operations, where they get funding and congressional people are never informed really where this money is going. It¹s the black budget², says Horowitz.
³And in the contemporary warfare arena, where experts in biological chemical warfare convene and discuss the ways that are ideal to conduct warfare today, to really take an enemy out, you don¹t want to kill the people. You want to produce people who are chronically ill and become dependant on the state and totally sap the resources of the country. And then you can move in with your military-medical-industrial complex and your international medical-pharmaceutical cartel. Then you sell these defeated countries all of the pharmaceuticals and chemicals that they need to maintain any semblance of healthy function.
They¹re completely depleted. They can¹t put together a military. You create a dependence and thereby you weaken the population, and weakened populations are easy to control. So you¹ve got population control, and you make vast fortunes doing it, versus just blowing up a nuclear weapon and devastating the infrastructure that you own. You and your colleagues own that infrastructure. You want to get rid of the people. You don¹t want to get rid of infrastructure²
³What I¹m relating to you now is not speculation. If you were to read the top experts analysis of military warfare, including The Report From Iron Mountain ­ the Rockefeller family is one of the major players in this conspiracy. They are one of the major players in world genocide, world population reduction. That¹s no mystery anymore
When you examine who owns the chemtrail fuel, who are the fuel company directors, suddenly you enter into the realm of the Rockefeller family and the royal families ­ Standard Oil and British Petroleum. And what are their other agendas? Suddenly now you see their documents, showing that they have funded, historically, eugenics, racial hygiene, genocide, depopulation, family planning, maternal and child health ­ where they make and deliver vaccines, and contaminated blood supplies. These are the banksters, the same people who run the blood banking as well as the money banking industries², says Dr. Horowitz.
³I reference a great book by Dr. John Coleman, who worked as a British Secret Service agent at the highest levels. And he articulated very clearly who was running those companies. It all goes back, ultimately, to the highest level of the royal family. The Bush family, Rothschild family, the Rockefeller money, and the entire Rockefeller establishment is based on Rothschild money and royal families.

If you can¹t explain it rationally or any other way, I think you¹ve got to begin to consider conspiracy theories and eliminate the negative label that you¹ve placed on conspiracy theories which have been demonized along with wholistic medicine.²
The ruling crime families are making vast fortunes off of humanity¹s suffering. The Rockefellers monopolized American medicine in the 1920s. They, along with I.G. Farben, Germany¹s leading industrial organization, held the monopoly on the world¹s chemical and pharmaceutical industries.
The Rockefellers and I.G. Farben worked together before World War II and during World War II. For all practical purposes, the Rockefellers and I.G. Farben were the Third Reich.
Who else is involved? The Merck Pharmaceutical Company. Their president, George W. Merck, was America¹s biological weapons industry director during World War II. He was personally appointed by President Roosevelt and Secretary of War Stimson.
The Nazis planned for the New World Order. They even had a term for it ­ ³neue Ordnung,² which means New Order, New World Order. This today, this New World Order, is the rise of the Fourth Reich. This is precisely what they envisioned and then carried out on a global scale. The goal of the Fourth Reich is population control and genocide.
99.99 percent of Masons have no clue what they¹re really up to at the highest levels. they give you increased knowledge at every higher degree of Freemasonry. When you get beyond the 33rd degree, you get the highest indoctrination into what¹s called the Ancient Arcana, the ancient sacred knowledge described in the book Healing Codes of the Biblical Apocalypse. That¹s where the devil-doers who are running this planet are nesting.
How does a person become that high in the Masonic organization? Through bloodlines. You¹ve got to be major royalty, major royalty, ideally a descendent or you¹ve got to be somebody who is very close to the royalty, the major bloodlines.
Who are they targeting for genocide? If there¹s an attempt underway to reduce the population of the planet, why isn¹t it happening?
³Look at countries like those in Africa, Third World nations that have been heavily targeted with HIV/AIDS. And consider that 73 percent of HIV/AIDS patients in America today are Black or Hispanic. Statistically, 55 percent of gay men in America are already dead. Are you seeing depopulation specifically targeting minority groups now? Of course. It¹s happening right now.
They don¹t want to totally eliminate populations completely, just certain populations. And isn¹t it, from their perspective, wonderful? They¹ve got a covert depopulation agenda that nobody¹s picked up on yet. It¹s ideally what they want to produce.
It¹s not just about the money. I think there¹s a Satanic or evil ideology, because Nixon himself said, referring to the Rockefellers, ­ it¹s not about money for these people, it¹s about power.
At the end of the Monopoly game, what do you do? One person wins, they own all of the real estate, they own all of the assets, they¹ve wiped all the other players out and the game is over. You can out the game away in your closet. But you don¹t do that on planet earth.
The person who wins at the end of this World Monopoly Game gets to rearrange the board. And that¹s precisely what we¹ve seen in the last year. You¹ve seen not the biggest fish eating the biggest fish in international commerce, you have seen the mega-whales eating the mega-whales in these mega-mergers. All these little companies that are producing your vitamins are a subsidiary of a major conglomerate. Today a Warner Lambert or Glaxo Wellcom, all of these huge, huge corporations own all the little fish. They buy them out. So, again, now the game board gets to be changed if they desire, and apparently that¹s what they desire. That¹s their agenda, you can see it.
At the Denver Airport, there¹s a capstone, in the main terminal building dedicated to the New World Airport Commission by the Freemasons. And there¹s a big colorful mural ­ that is dedicated to the extinct human species. And in the foreground, against the horrific backdrop of flames and destruction, there are three open coffins

STEP ONE: Detoxification.
Because we¹ve all been fed Babylon¹s harvest and eaten the toxic garbage that comes from Monsanto, Dow Chemical and Archer Daniel and all their genetically engineered foods and the chemicals and the fluorides and the chlorines, we need to detox. An easy detoxification program using fresh squeezed lemonade that you make with maple syrup and fresh squeezed lemons and cayenne pepper
STEP TWO: Deacidification
To change your body¹s chemistry, make it more alkaline. It¹s only in the acid state that the growth of bacteria, viruses, fungus, molds, and cancer, cancer cells thrive. They cannot grow in an alkaline environment. What causes your body chemistry to go acidic and become a breeding ground for the bacterial and infectious agents? Caffeine, nicotine, sugar, refined carbohydrates, alcohol, pharmaceuticals including antibiotics, red meats, stress ­ are the main causes. Eliminate or reduce them as much as possible.
Squeeze lemon juice into water. Lemon has a lot of calcium in it and it turns to calcium hydroxide in drinking water. That¹s alkalising. It raises the PH of that water from about 7 to about 8. Hot cayenne pepper is one of the most alkalising agents you can put in your body. It detoxifies and deacidifies all in one step.
STEP THREE: Spiritual
Meditate. There¹s mental, emotion, social, environmental and, above all, spiritual changes that people need to make to really prepare to withstand the plagues.
STEP FOUR: Oxygenation
The Rockefeller-directed international banksters, blood banksters and medical monopolists have been busy suppressing your immune system. You want to raise your blood oxygen levels

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. ‹Arthur Schopenhauer

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”–Edmund Burke.

“We don’t see things as they ARE, we see them as WE are.” ‹Anais Nin

[Ed. Note: Always trust YOUR own knowingness. Never take anything for granted. Use your own mind to discern what you will from your own readings. Do your own additional research]. This is NOT a MLM and has been sent for information only. Under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th US Congress, this message cannot be considered Spam as long as the sender includes contact information and a method of “removal.” If at any time you no longer wish to receive email, please just hit return to sender with the word: REMOVE ME in the subject line. Thank you.

You can Make TOFU from HEMPSEEDS !!!

It turns out that the real TOFU was not made from SOYBEANS before the 1930’s.

It was made from MARIJUANA SEEDS !
Actually The real name for Marijuana grown for food is HEMP.
HEMPSEEDS are actually a fruit and is the NUMBER ONE source of protein for the human species.
check out this article:

Soybeans were brought in to replace HEMPSEEDS even though Soybeans are number 100 on the list of best protein !!!

Making TOFU-MA (from hempseeds) is EASY !
just google ‘how to make tofu’ and then use HEMP MILK instead of SOY MILK.

I think it was changed so that when we were all smart enough to figure it out we would change it back…

The big problem is most of us are not even smart enough to quit eating cows yet !!

It seems that most of us are going to die, from STUPIDITY, and lack of motivation to change that.


Here’s the answer to the problem anyway, hopefully some of us will take it to heart and apply it in our lives.

Haiti Being forced to accept Toxic GMO Seeds from MONSANTO

Monsanto is a POP-CON agent.

Monsanto needs to be dissolved immediately.

Haiti must refuse these seeds, and those who are funding Her reconstruction must refuse to accept the $4million dollar ‘Smallpox laced Blankets’ in the form of ‘HYBRID’ (what a lie) seeds from this dastardly and ANTI-LIFE company called MONSANTO.

Thoughts on the chemical ‘Feminization’ of Cannabis Seeds

“Is the ‘Feminization’ of Cannabis Seeds for the purpose of forcing the plant to yield Pistillate or ‘female’ flowers NATURAL and acceptable?”


I grow traditional method, outdoors, THUNDERGRO™ treated, cull the males, and raise the females through the flowering process, and the use the graduated cull method to harvest the flowers. I feel like it is an important part of the process to let the seeds flower whichever way they wish to go, HOWEVER- I have experienced an ‘influence’ of older more mature flowering females over young undifferentiated (have not turned male or female yet)-
whenever I have a bunch of those (older flowering females) around, and also young plants, I have a HUGE increase in the number of the young plants that turn male! This influence must be happening by the females using pheromones or something, so in a sense nature is doing the same thing in a subtler way, soooo……..  still undecided on it, but lean toward the natural , NON PROHIBITION INDUCED methods and processes. I guess that would technically mean indoor growing as well..  tough to draw the line when we are a part of nature herself, so you are telling nature she cannot do anything she wishes!!! You see the conundrum I am attempting to reveal here…?!”


International Journal of Biological Sciences, Abstract, 2009 – We present for the first time a comparative analysis of blood and organ system data from trials with rats fed three main commercialized genetically modified maize, which are present in food and feed in the world. . . Approximately 60 different biochemical parameters were classified per organ and measured in serum and urine after 5 and 14 weeks of feeding. GM maize-fed rats were compared first to their respective isogenic or parental non-GM equivalent control groups. This was followed by comparison to six reference groups, which had consumed various other non-GM maize varieties. . . Our analysis clearly reveals for the 3 GMOs new side effects linked with GM maize consumption, which were sex- and often dose-dependent. Effects were mostly associated with the kidney and liver, the dietary detoxifying organs, although different between the 3 GMOs. Other effects were also noticed in the heart, adrenal glands, spleen and haematopoietic system. We conclude that these data highlight signs of hepatorenal toxicity, possibly due to the new pesticides specific to each GM corn. In addition, unintended direct or indirect metabolic consequences of the genetic modification cannot be excluded.

Wikipedia – A 2008 review published by the Royal Society of Medicine noted that GM foods have been eaten by millions of people worldwide for over 15 years, with no reports of ill effects. Similarly a 2004 report from the US National Academies of Sciences stated: “To date, no adverse health effects attributed to genetic engineering have been documented in the human population.” A 2004 review of feeding trials in the Italian Journal of Animal Science found no differences among animals eating genetically modified plants. A 2005 review in Archives of Animal Nutrition concluded that first-generation genetically modified foods had been found to be similar in nutrition and safety to non-GM foods, but noted that second-generation foods with “significant changes in constituents” would be more difficult to test, and would require further animal studies. However, a 2009 review in Nutrition Reviews found that although most studies concluded that GM foods do not differ in nutrition or cause any detectable toxic effects in animals, some studies did report adverse changes at a cellular level caused by some GM foods, concluding that “More scientific effort and investigation is needed to ensure that consumption of GM foods is not likely to provoke any form of health problem”.

Physorg, 2005 – A recent Russian study says 55.6 percent of the offspring of female rats fed genetically engineered soy flour died within three weeks. The female rats reportedly received 5-7 grams of the Roundup Ready variety of soybeans, beginning two weeks before conception and continuing through nursing. By comparison, scientists said only 9 percent of the offspring of rats fed non-GM soy died.

Furthermore, Russian researchers said offspring from the GM-fed group were significantly stunted — 36 percent weighed less than 20 grams after two weeks, compared with only 6.7 percent from the control group.

The study was conducted by Dr. Irina Ermakova of the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology in Moscow, a part of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The study was presented during the recent conference of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine in Tucson, Ariz.

The AAEM board issued a statement saying: “We recognize this study is preliminary in nature. It hasn’t yet been peer reviewed and the methodology has not been spelled out in detail. But given the magnitude of the findings and the implications for human health, we urge the National Institutes of Health to immediately replicate the research.”

MORGELLONS… A Natural Medicine Approach

Posted by C.E. Carnicom on Behalf of the Author:
Gwen Scott, N.D.
Jan 27 2008

Timing is everything, we are told, and now seems to be the time for some revelations.

Those of you who have watched Clifford Carnicom’s documentary on the aerosol operations (Chemtrails) will know me. We have worked together for many years now, trying very hard to unravel the purpose, content, and impact of what is being dumped into our air supply every day. It should be realized that because these are very small particles, they are systemic to your entire body in less than a minute. Think about that, seriously.

My interest is, primarily, finding natural medicines that can help ALL people mitigate the devastating effects of a multi-leveled assault on human health. Mr.Carnicom has provided immeasurable help in identifying contents so that I may design some natural medicine protocols around them. And make no mistake, the contents can be changed at any time without our knowledge or consent. In fact, I believe it has happened and will continue to happen without accountability.

Before I continue a few legal issues need to be addressed. New Mexico and most other states do not license Naturopathic Doctors. The law says I may educate you, but I cannot diagnose illness, or prescribe any medications. With that in mind, I am going to recount my own personal journey with Chemtrail implications as well as “Morgellons.” If any of the information I present has meaning to you, please find an enlightened and competent health care practitioner to work directly with you. Many natural medicines and drugs (prescription and over the counter) do not interact very well, and in some cases, can cause dangerous contraindications. It is imperative that you work closely with a professional you trust and not try to “cowboy” your health circumstances. I give you permission to share any and all information presented here with your health care practitioner so that he/she may evaluate it in light of your own regimen and symptoms.

Also, it is important that you understand one of the founding principles of natural medicine…Herring’s Law of Cure. This law presents that your body will rid itself of anything unwanted (diseases, etc.) from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside, and in the reverse order in which it entered your system. As you will see, much of the work on my own body follows this law exactly.

I am presenting both empirical (personal observation) with scientific information. Many thanks to Clifford Carnicom (hundreds of unpaid hours on his side), a research doctor, a surgeon, a chemist, and many publications for the scientific information. Although I do not have formal scientific training, I have read many books on human anatomy and physiology (structure and function of the systems) as well as herbal remedies, and all other natural modalities. I have also spent lots of hours looking into a microscope. I have a degree as a Naturopathic Doctor from an accredited college. But again, this is a journal of my personal experiences and not in any way to be understood as a “how to” remedy for the Chemtrail maladies, including “Morgellons.”

I spoke of timing at the beginning. It is time to say I am the “Morgellons” person that Mr. Carnicom used for many of his blood, skin, lung, and mouth samples. At the beginning of this work, I was the only provider. Now with so many people willing to give him samples, I know his work will continue. It is time for me to step forward.

I will get to what is being called “Morgellons” disease in just a minute. I must say, in my opinion, it’s not really a disease in the traditional sense. It is not measles or mumps. It doesn’t run a finite course nor is it exclusive to contact with other humans. What we are looking at here is an inorganic fiber and other components delivered through the air supply. In my opinion, what we are really looking at is a progressive “system” or “syndrome” in which “Morgellons” is just the latest and most visible aspect.

My journey into this “syndrome” began over ten years ago. I felt “something” was in me that didn’t belong…a gut feeling. I also noticed that my joints were aching more than they should, I got tired easily, I was getting skins breakouts, and my digestion was “off.” I was eating well (organics, free range meats, etc.) and exercising, yet I felt my vitality slipping. I decided to begin a program of “wellness” without any idea where it would lead me.

I began by introducing herbs and herbal combinations that would address the full range of pathogens that might be causing me problems…bacteria, virus, fungus, and parasite. I was able to eliminate organic parasites at the beginning. That still left me with the other three. So, I searched for and found one herbal combination that addressed all three. It is called Deep Health by Herbs, Etc. I also made some bad or aggressive choices that were really quite dangerous which I will not share. With this herbal extract I began to get sores all over my head, but, mindful of Herring’s Law, I saw this as a good thing (top to bottom, in to out) They were painful, numerous, volcano like, and produced scabs that were very itchy and would not heal for weeks, months, and, in one case, two years. Of course, at the time, it was before Chemtrail awareness, so I assumed something from earlier years was coming out or some new disease I didn’t know was presenting (later I was to look at photos and see the lines in the sky that I was unaware of at the time.)Those sores were exactly like the ones I have today on my back, but I cannot tell you if there were fibers in the scabs. I strongly suspect there were.

One thing that is very interesting. After my scalp finally healed my hair got thicker, the few gray hairs I had fell out, replaced by much darker hair. Also, the texture of my hair changed. Instead of straight, fine hair it became more coarse and wavy. I don’t know why to this day, but I took it as a good sign. I have a client in Los Angeles who I began working with about 8-months ago and he reports that his once gray eyebrows are now brown again. He also says his once brown hair is growing in again…that he has brown roots in his white hair. Again, I take this as a sign of renewed health.

I began to look at what was happening very carefully. Surely this was not a “normal” or known situation (ten years ago.) I started to see a “network” under my skin that looked like it might be fungal in nature. I contacted a good friend who is a research doctor to get his opinion. Strangely enough, he and his research partner had been looking at live blood samples under an atomic microscope and observed a fungus in EVERYBODY’S blood sample, including his own (note: Mr. Carnicom is finding fibers and an unknown, perhaps bacterial, form in everyone’s blood as well.) He was very upset because he said it looked “altered” and was using very fine particulate metals as weapons against the immune system. He said the fungus actually collected heavy metals and “stabbed” all immune responders. It sounded so science fiction to me at the time. He told me that he had found a great metal detoxification method using food grade diatomaceous earth that he took everyday in distilled water ( He said about one tablespoon would work for most adults. The FDA doesn’t give approval for taking diatomaceous earth internally in humans, but we can give it to our cats, dogs, cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, etc. Most feed stores carry it. The only known contraindication is if it is taken with food. It will not recognize what metals are good for you (iron, trace copper, etc) and what ones are harmful. My research doctor friend says it will bind up metals and carry them out of your body. I do know this therapy is widely used in India (white earth,) especially by pregnant women. I met the head medicine man of the Shoshone Indian People and he told me they have historically used it to detoxify people. I also met an African American healer in Georgia last year and he told me they’d been using it in his community for years, all the way back to the days of slavery.

At this point in my journey I realized that I not only needed to get rid of any metals in my system, but I needed to go on an aggressive anti-fungal diet with supporting herbs. I made sure to eat LOTS of garlic, onions, etc. and I avoided ALL sugars. I drank Pau D’ Arco tea daily and began to see some important results. I also found a wonderful anti-fungal herbal combination that is no longer available, but Herbs, Etc. has a similar one called Yeast ReLeaf. It should be said, I have no financial ties with any of the companies I mention in this journal.

I continued to eat organics, drink distilled water, and eat, moderately, only free range meats. And I began to notice some vitality returning with the anti-fungal focus. But, I also knew that I was far from “clean.”

About eight years ago I became sadly aware of the Chemtrails. I was blessed to be introduced to Clifford Carnicom, who at that time was a voice in the wilderness. He began to share with me all of the data he was gathering and I began to see why it was so important to get those metals out of the system. Recently, the National Institute for Health in Washington, D.C. released a report on barium. The report linked barium “intoxication” to M.S., ALS, and other diseases of “unknown” origins. The report also said that the military sprayed barium in the air! That was certainly interesting to me. A good deal of research is available linking aluminum to Alzheimer’s disease, especially when the aluminum is combined with fluoride.

Also recently, an oncologist in Italy, Dr. Tullio Simoncini, says he believes cancer is really a fungus. Many other doctors came out in support when he was attacked for presenting his work. He is currently treating people with cancer with enormous success ( I personally think he is on the right track and so does my surgeon friend who tells me they are opening people up and finding them full of fungus.

He told me there are times they can’t even find the organs because they are “covered” with fungus. I personally have not seen this, but this surgeon has years of experience and no reason to mislead me. I think a strong anti-fungal diet is a great idea. There are many books at the health store outlining them. I should say, most of the books are focused on Candida Albicans, a common fungus and we may be looking at a different “breed” here, but it’s a good start.

I have also found anti-fungal soaps of great help. The brand called Miracle II and its companion Neutralizer have been invaluable in my healing process ( Most health stores carry anti-fungal soaps, usually with Tea Tree Oil.

About three years ago, I began to get open, painful sores on my back…they remain to this day. Old ones, in time, will close up and I will think I am finished, but new ones will appear, sometimes overnight. This is the “Morgellons” aspect of my journey. It wasn’t until Mr. Carnicom put the scar tissue under high magnification that the true nature of these sores came to light. In every scar tissue they was at least one and sometimes many fibers. Now I began to understand why the process was ongoing. I breathe…fibers are in the air supply…body wants them out. So, I stand alone, at this time, with the following theory…Morgellons is NOT a disease in the conventional sense. It is the body’s HEALTHY response to an invader, or foreign matter, that does not belong. It seeks to push it out.

About one month ago my teeth started aching. It was slight at first and I really didn’t pay attention. About 4am one morning I awoke with the most painful “tooth ache” I could imagine. I tried every remedy I knew to no avail. I “talked to the kingdom” and got the answer to rinse the tooth vigorously with red wine. I certainly wouldn’t have thought of that. The results are on Mr. Carnicom’s web site. I continue to “pull” them out everyday with the red wine therapy and, although not as many are coming out, I am still producing. It would be an interesting test to run for yourself to see if you have fibers in your gums. Many of my friends who do not have a single “Morgellons” symptom have done it and in all cases fibers can be seen in the sink. Another interesting test is to take your temperature (digital is the fastest) everyday. Everyone seems to be running lower than the 98.6 average. Some of my clients are down in the 94-95 range.

We now know that combined with these fibers are a pathogen that has yet to be identified. It appears to cause damage to the blood, consequently all body systems. I keep hoping that someone with some expertise in this field will step up to the plate and help Mr. Carnicom with his efforts. You know, if you breathe…or your children breathe…or your mother breathes…time to understand that ALL humans are involved.

Another component that is also part of the “Morgellons syndrome” is a luminescent material that some call plastic, others silicone. It comes out of the lungs, eyes, skin, and mouth. My tears are very sticky, a recent development. The material “glows” under a black light and is unknown in its properties. Also, its purpose is unknown as well. I do know that it has somehow incorporated into what is leaving my body. It also contains the unknown pathogen seen in the fibers.

I was interested to note that as I drove across the country recently, in three different states a large “glob” of perfectly clear material hit my windshield (not a gift from the birds.) When I tried to clean it off with my wipers it smeared and took many passes to finally clear. I didn’t collect any samples, but it wouldn’t be surprising if this material coming out of my body is one and the same.

Also of interest to me, on CNN Anderson Cooper presented a series called Planet In Peril and one of the segments contained the results of a blood test he had taken. It was reported that he had an unusually high amount of “plastic” in his blood…wonder if we all do.

I do know that a scientist named Marcel Vogel was experimenting with luminescent materials and their uses in the 70’s (Secret Life of Plants.) He later went to work for IBM and there are many patents with his name involving luminescent material. I was particularly interested in the one involving Electro-luminescent materials, but couldn’t get into the data.

Another curious phenomenon…EVERYBODY’S eyes I have examined under a black light reveal that their pupils “glow” or are luminescent. Is this normal? Perhaps an expert can tell me, as I remember black light parties in the 60’s and I personally don’t remember pupils glowing.

Another interesting observation…after the sores finishing expelling blood with fibers, the scar tissue becomes “plastic” which also contains the fibers.

One final note. There is a huge assault on all life forms taking place electro-magnetically. The planet and all life on it evolved, together, with a common electro-magnetic field. We know from Mr. Carnicom’s work that new frequencies of many levels are being introduced into the atmosphere. How can this not affect us? We are electro-magnetic beings. Could these new “waves” be causing the epidemics I see in depression (NBC reported that nearly ONE-HALF of all Americans are taking anti-depressants,) sleep depravation, tinnitis (ear ringing,) and memory loss? A physicist told me that some of these new frequencies correspond to the same frequencies in the brain that control sleep, mood, and memory. What “materials” are in our body that might respond to these frequencies as well? I certainly don’t know, but it is worth considering when taking a holistic approach to wellness.


So, as far as I can observe, we are dealing with a highly integrated “system,” not one disease called “Morgellons.”

And, as I have indicated, it needs to be addressed on a number of levels…heavy metals, fungus, diet, etc. I know you cannot hope to heal eating processed, denatured, chemically rich foods. It has been suggested that perhaps some of what we are looking at here actually comes into us through our food supply. I don’t know. Consider what you put in your mouth very carefully…does it heal or harm? If you are serious about being well during these times, you really have to look at your diet. “Food is your remedy, your remedy is food” Hippocrates.

Fungus is a major player…so are fibers, a bacterial form (mycoplasma, etc) and luminescent materials. There might be others as yet unseen. A research doctor is sure we also have nano-technology in there as well. Although I haven’t observed any in the blood samples, I wouldn’t be surprised. Many of the national labs are spending a lot of money and research on nano-tecnology. Some of the titles of the studies are very unnerving.

I have another observation based purely on my own physical experience. The more I rid my body of these unwanted materials, the more people tell me that I am looking younger. My hair is thick…I have lost about 10-pounds that I simply couldn’t get rid of…they just feel off and I am returned to my “normal” weight. My eyesight has improved dramatically…20-250 to 20-150 in a year and the process continues. Many of the “age” lines on my face have disappeared and my previously achy joints don’t bother me at all. Could it be that these materials are designed to age us rapidly? I have heard lots of people talking lately about how their friends and family members are getting old quickly. I have noticed it myself. Could the agenda presented years ago to thin the population be in full swing (read “….and the truth shall set you free by David Icke.) It seems like it to me.

A final word to anyone involved in spraying our skies…even if you think you are doing something good for the citizens of the world…you are not. And if you and those you love breathe…well then, someone has mislead you. I believe in time we will find that EVERYONE has “Morgellons” syndrome. That EVERYONE, whether they are presenting sores or not, is carrying fibers, fungus, luminescent material, etc. Mr. Carnicom’s most recent work would certainly lead us in that direction.

Again, work with a professional who understands and has the expertise to help you towards wellness.

I will update this journal with new information as it appears.

Stand in The Light

Blessings and Good Health

Gwen Scott, N.D.”

ALERT OF THE WEEK- Stop Monsanto’s Genetically Engineered Wheat

wheatMonsanto and the biotech bullies are once again moving to tighten their grip on the world’s food supply. Genetically engineered (GE) varieties now account for 70-90% of all conventional (non-organic) corn, soybeans, cotton, and canola grown in the U.S. Joining the growing menu of unlabeled and untested gene-spliced Frankenfoods, genetically engineered sugar (derived from GE sugar beets) hit store shelves in 2008. Now it appears that the most controversial crop of them all, Monsanto’s GE wheat, is not far behind, at least if industry gets its way. Given that wheat is such a major global crop and essential ingredient in bread, breakfast cereals, pasta and other everyday foods, the force-feeding of unlabeled GE wheat on the public would represent a major conquest for Monsanto and the biotech industry.

Although Monsanto withdrew their applications to the U.S. and Canadian governments for approval of genetically engineered wheat in 2004 because of tremendous pressure from the OCA and hundreds of our allied public interest groups and farmers (as well as pressure from large food companies such as General Mills), it looks like we’re in for another round of battle.

Wheat industry groups in the United States, Canada and Australia announced on May 14, 2009, they would work toward the objective of “synchronized commercialization of biotech traits in the wheat crop.” For the sake of the Earth and public health, we must stop them.