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13 February 2012

Controlled implosion of Federal Reserve Board and ECB continuing as planned

Benjamin Fulford (February 13, 2012)

The controlled implosion of the Federal Reserve Board and the European Central Bank is continuing and must be completed before a new financial system can go online, according to Pentagon and other sources. In addition, action is soon expected against criminals like Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu murdered his psychiatrist Moshe Yatom after Yatom began revealing Netanyahu’s insane plans to work with Mossad agent and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmajinedad to start World War 3. Netanyahu also phoned Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan after the 311 tsunami and nuclear disaster and threatened to blow up all of Japan’s nuclear plants unless Japan handed vast sums of money to his criminal cabal. Other individuals expected to be “dealt with” include Henry Kissinger, J. Rockefeller, Carl Rove, Peter Hans Kolvenbach, Rahm Emmanuel, the Bush family and Yasuhiro Nakasone.

If any of these individuals feel they are wrongly included on this list, they must contact this writer directly and explain why. The Luciferian cabalists have been arrogant and believe the White Dragon Society, the Red and the Blue, the triads and the yakuza are cowards. The cabalists will be “neutralized” when and where they least expect it.

Let us now summarize the evidence we have that the 311 tsunami and nuclear disaster were a deliberate attack and murder of 20,000 people planned and executed by the Khazarian Satanists.

First of all, according to Democratic Party of Japan and other sources U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell met DPJ power broker Ichiro Ozawa on March 9th, 2011 and offered him the rights to Zeolite in Fukushima Prefecture if he would stop his plans to unseat then Prime Minister (and North Korean agent) Naoto Kan. Zeolite is now being used to clean up radioactive waste in Fukushima. Campbell claimed to be representing J. Rockefeller.

Another piece of evidence is the fact that the stock price of Higashi Nihon House, a maker of discount housing in Northern Japan, rose 40% on March 10th, one day before the attack. An insider trading investigation has begun and the investors are being tracked down.

Then there were local news reports dating to January, 2011, that the deep sea drilling vessel Chikyu Maru was systematically drilling holes at what became the exact epicenters of the quakes.

There was a 15-man team of Japan Self-Defense Force technicians who were involved in placing nuclear devices into the drill holes. These technicians were told it was for “tests.” After the nukes were set off to trigger the tsunami, 14 of these technicians were murdered. The one surviving team member was sheltered by Pastor Paulo Izumi of the Tachikawa Christian Church in Tokyo. Based on details provided by this SDF technician, Paulo wrote up the details of how the tsunami was artificially created in two books published by Hikaruland Press. The latest, entitled “The Shocking Truth of Why Japan was Attacked with an Artificial Earthquake on 311,” was published in February, 2012. Izumi has also published evidence of a fake Armageddon planned by the perpetrators of this attack. The Self-Defense Force officer is now being sheltered by a Christian group in the US and has been debriefed by agency white hats.

There is also plenty of evidence that the Israeli company Magna B.S.P. which was in charge of “security” at the Fukushima nuclear plant, actually blew up the plants with micro-nukes. Then of course is the recorded phone call by Benjamin Netanyahu to Naoto Kan after March 11, 2011 in which he threatened to blow up all of Japan’s nuclear plants. Magna BSP was in charge of security at all of these plants.

The Fukushima nuclear complex was built by General Electric, a company controlled by J. Rockefeller and other cabalists via a web of so-called “charitable foundations.”

People in Japan who were involved in the entire Fukushima nuclear and tsunami terror attack include Ichiro Ozawa, Naoto Kan and Tokyo Electric Power managers. They will be brought to justice.

The weapons used in the attack were created with fuel taken from a nuclear warhead stolen from the Russian submarine Kursk. Paul Laine from Pentagon Military intelligence confirmed that four nuclear warheads were stolen from the Kursk when it “sank” in August of 2000. An MI6 agent using the name Richard Sorge also informed the Japanese police in 2010 that a nuclear warhead had been smuggled into Japan via Okinawa and was located in a property in Hinode Town, in Western Tokyo owned by former Prime Minister and senior North Korean Agent Yasuhiro Nakasone. The agent later informed the police the weapon had been smuggled into the headquarters of the General Association of North Korean Residents of Japan.

The Japanese police failed to take action and instead arrested this agent and asked him to falsely testify that this writer was a drug dealer. The involvement of the Koganei Police force in this arrest means that North Korean agent and Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara is also involved.

Also involved was a North Korean agent by the name of Ota (we do not know his first name but his daughter’s name is Hideko). Ota also worked in the past of Israeli Al Qaeda types in the Aum Shinrikyo subway sarin gas attack incident.

The original plan called for follow up attacks on Tokyo designed to terrorize the population into abandoning the metropolis.

A threat to retaliate against an attack on Tokyo by sinking the Las Palmas rock formation in the Canary Islands and setting off a 100 meter tsunami to hit the US East Coast and Southern Europe has deterred further attacks on Japan.

In any case, the original scenario was then to set up a North Korean controlled government of Japan and the Korean Peninsula in Osaka. The death of Kim Jong Il and the bribing of many North Korean generals put a kibosh on that.

However, it is still a good idea to set up the new LIFE (Long-term Investments For Everyone) economic planning agency in the Nara plain South of Osaka. This area is the home of the oldest cities in Japan and has plenty of flat land close to the ocean that can be used to create a new financial and economic hub for peaceful global development.

LIFE can be set up without impeding any existing government structures.

There has been considerable opposition, though, both from China and within Japan, to the proposal to join the Korean Peninsula with Japan to create a 200 million person nation. There will be negotiations on this subject in Korea next week. Negotiations with the various factions of the Japanese secret government are also continuing this week.

Since all the parties want world peace and friendly relations in the region, some kind of amicable compromise is expected. No exact timetable for announcements exists yet.

The Pentagon and agency white hats are also supportive of these plans. They say there are now 6 competing plans for a new financial system and none is taking the lead so far. The Pentagon and agency white hats are offering to contribute new energy and new transportation technology.

If the LIFE agency can get the rights to use gold-backed Yen overseas and can begin hiring staff, there is no technical or logistical reason why it should not be possible to end poverty and stop environmental destruction this year.

Ben Fulford’s February 27, 2012 | U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner arrested, questioned and released; Asian negotiations continue

Ben Fulford,

As predicted, the collapse of the Satan worshipping financial mafia is accelerating. U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was detained for questioning by New York police on February 24th and was released after giving evidence about many high level financial criminals, according to New York police sources. “In most cases we have to slap people to get them to talk but in his case we had to slap him to shut him up,” one of the interrogators joked. Geithner has been released but is accompanied at all times by an armed deputy to make sure he does not leave the country. Former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of Italy is also proving to be very talkative, sources in Europe say. Berlusconi has been released. Meanwhile, meetings between White Dragon Society representatives and South Korean government officials last week in Seoul were very productive.

is first report further on the ongoing chaos in Europe and the US before returning to the Asian negotiations. In general what has happened is that dozens of high level informants have come forth in the past weeks and detailed testimony by them is being gathered. Apart from Geithner and Berlusconi, the talking big fish include members of the Rothschild family who have come forth with startling information.

The most interesting revelation given by the Rothschilds is that Queen Victoria was actually the illegitimate daughter of Nathaniel Rothschild. That means Rothschild’s had managed to place family members at the head of the British, German and Russian empires by the time World War I started. Hitler was also a Rothschild who wanted to be crowned King of the world and who helped found Israel by chasing the Jews out of Europe. Their infiltration of the highest levels of world power continued in the post war period. So, in the big picture of things we are witnessing the collapse of the Rothschild attempt to crown themselves as monarchs of a world government with a capital in Jerusalem.

The competing attempt by George Bush Sr. and the Nazi faction to set up a 1000 year reich is also collapsing. Geithner has already told the police that both he and Obama work for Bush. The Bushes, like Geithner and others are not allowed to leave the US now.

The names of some of the many top cabalists being fingered by high level defectors will be listed at the end of this report.

In other signs of the collapsing old regime, the Greeks have clearly told the EU to put their latest bail out where the sun does not shine. Elected Prime Minister George Papandreous is expected to return to power soon and replace cabal puppet Lucas Papademos, according to Europe based CIA sources.

The Italians are also deciding they do not want to become part of the greater German empire and have begun actively preparing a return to the Lira, the sources said.

The cabalists for their part are still fighting to preserve their power and control. The latest scam they are working on involves the $6 trillion worth of 1934 gold back securities that were seized in Switzerland recently. These bonds were tied to financier and Bush/Clinton bagman Mark Rich of Glencore Commodities. The plan was to place Hillary Clinton at the head of the World Bank and have her use the World Bank to launder the bonds and give the money to the communist government in China. The Chinese, in return, were supposed to turn a blind eye to the continuing European Central Bank and Federal Reserve Board scams.

The cabalists have also tried yet again to assassinate Russia’s Vladimir Putin in an attempt to regain control of Russia in a desperate attempt to revive the insane plan to get the Russians to help start the World War 3 they feel is needed to complete their plans for world domination.

The pentagon has already told top cabalist attack dog Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel that they would shoot down any Israeli planes that tried to trigger this war by attacking Iran.

The CBS news network in the US now has also broken with the cabalists and has begun information warfare with cabalist propaganda outlets like CNN and Fox.

Meanwhile, in Asia, signs of harmony and unity are multiplying. Discussions last week in Korea between a White Dragon Society representatives and South Korean representatives reached agreement in principle on many issues. First of all, the South Koreans agreed on unification between North and South Korea based on the principle of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un a ceremonial post (perhaps “symbol of unity”) and a palace. After North South unification, talks could begin on greater East Asian economic and political integration.

The South Koreans also agreed to the plan to set up a new international economic planning agency in Japan so long as it was also possible to set up a major new private sector financial center near Pusan, South Korea.

There was also agreement on the issue of having Asian nations continue to support the transition of the pentagon into a global peacekeeping force merged with the Russian and Chinese militaries.

A Chinese delegation is expected in Japan soon to further develop the ideas explored in South Korea.

In Japan, meanwhile, the Yakuza understand their funds in the US were frozen by Bush flunky David S. Cohen.

There will be partial retaliation when senior cabal operative Ichiro Ozawa is arrested on tax evasion and has his funds frozen. There will also be confiscation of Japanese listed company stocks and other assets in Japan illegally taken over by the cabal. This confiscation is expected to affect at least 30% of the total value of all listed shares in Japan as well as considerable amounts of real estate.

Similar confiscations of assets illegally obtained by cabalists are expected to take place around the planet, especially in the USA.
Although it is still premature to give a timetable on further arrests, here is a partial (non-alphabetical) list of people (many who have tried to keep a low profile) who have been informed upon by the recent wave of cabal defectors:

The “family of three.”
The Medicis and Borgias
The Club of Rome
Larry Summers
Paul Volcker
Wylie Aitken
Vernon Jordan
Admiral William Crowe
Richard Haas
Felix Warburg
John Jacob Astor
Lord Pillsbury
Bill Hicks
Kiyohika Nishimura
David Gergen
Lamar Smith
J. Rockefeller
Yotaro Kobayashi
John Snow
Mark Rich
David Cohen
James Cameron (his family got rich from opium)
John Roberts
Paul Wolfowitz
Frank Carlucci
Peter Hans Kolvenbach (the former black pope)
George Bush Senior

09/14/2011 Neil Keenan and Keith Scott

  • This letter came in and confirms what I have been hearing from my sources in Europe, Japan and the US. We are near the end game. Humanity is about to be freed. 

    Dear Benjamin,

    It is all coming down :-

    The meeting between the 57 Finance Ministers from around the world that took place on board a ship off the coast of Monaco is beginning to quietly emerge as a powerful and dynamic shift in Global Economics and potentially in Global Politics as former Presidents and Prime Ministers of countries who have sided with the Banking Cabal, are now already jumping ship and supporting the growing movement toward proper financial management of the Global Accounts around the World.

    A cataclysmic shift in both Global Politics and Economics is now well under way. World Governments are coming to understand how the Global Banking System is systematically looting entire economies through theft, fraud, deception and manipulation, which in turn forces Governments to raise taxes that citizens should not have to pay.

    At the meeting of 57 an understanding was created and this understanding has been formalized by the Co-Hosts of that meeting, the Swiss Government.  Our internal information indicates more than 80 Governments have issued the Acknowledgement of Memorandum of the Agreement and will formally sign when all Governments who have been invited to sign, formally do so.  Also from internal sources, we know that many more Governments will sign. Governments are starting to wise up to what are the underlying causes of financial disaster around the World. Their response is simple and if it could be paraphrased it would be “It is time to get these bums who think they run the world from behind closed doors and drown them like the rats they are”.

    This now means that those, who in their arrogance sought to dominate and control the masses through their subterfuge and fraud, have deluded themselves into a corner from where there is now no escape for them. The entire financial mess the world is in will now prove to be a mirage that we, the innocent taxpayer, have been led to believe in.  Banks will soon be forced to abide by their Charters and to undertake business strictly according to their Charters.  The days of moving public income to the private side ledgers of the banks while they move their private liabilities to the public side ledgers are almost over.

    The Banks have blamed the public for overspending.  Yet when the economy was hit in 2008 and there was need to provide the TARP funds to keep banks solvent, the banking gurus decided the citizens needed to spend more to kick start the economy. Then the Banks blame all the problems on the taxpayer, when in truth it was the Banks who were stealing and gambling with funds they mirrored from the Global Accounts for underwriting purposes.  In fact, they actually called the Global Account bonds as “Casino Bonds”.   I can bet, Heads I win and Tails, I don’t lose…the collateral accounts do. Great deal.

    The whole thing was started when white dragon society members had 134.5 Billion in bearer bonds stolen from them by Daniele dal Bosco and a renegade officer of the now defunct Office of International Treasury Control (OITC), David Sale.  Sale, who despised his former boss Ray C. Dam deliberately set about to malign Ray C Dam and another former officer of OITC, a White Dragon, to Cambodian press and on various internet sites and Sale eventually sent documents he forged to Cambodian Police with the intention of incriminating Ray C. Dam and the White Dragon.  Sale believed he could take over OITC by conspiring with Giancarlo Bruno and others from the World Economic Forum, who in turn conspired to embroil and indeed did involve Ban Ki Moon, the Secretary General of the United Nations, in the illegal use of Bonds stolen from the White Dragons.

    We have a world where the conveniences of power, money and deceit transform into levels of corruption, fraud and theft that stagger the mind with their proportions. We have people who see what is right and needs to be done, being ambushed by situations that destroy them as being useful in fighting the cabal that has threatened to enslave the world.

    What nobody realized would happen, did happen.  

    When the OITC member became friends with the White Dragon Society, not enemies, that friendship was based on doing what is right and best for the world even in the face of the darkest and most blatant threats against their lives. A gunfight took place near the White Dragon member’s  home between those who would eliminate him and those who have been sent there to protect him. A known mafioso was caught near the home of a another White Dragon in Switzerland who had been helping. Sale made attempts to hire people in Italy to eliminate yet another White Dragon. Recently he had a very narrow escape when three heavy bags dropped from possibly as high as 35 floors above missed him by mere inches.  Ray C. Dam was imprisoned for more than eight months in Cambodia and we know people were paid to dispose of him permanently an activity that it seems the Government of Cambodia tolerated and the United States Government refused to render any assistance to Dam, a United States citizen.  He only survived due to the efforts of the White Dragon Society members. These men know the dangers, as key people who were close to them have been eliminated in the past. A White Dragon friend Joe Bendana died in very suspicious circumstances in New Jersey. Another friend was lost in Andreas Jawurek, a Swiss lawyer who pushed the envelope too far with one of the banks and who was found with a gunshot wound to the head.

     White Dragon Society members presented the plans they developed and their intentions to the Governments who attended the meeting in Monaco and the Governments like it.  One key White Dragon  may have his enemies, but he has emerged from over 20 years of working around the Global Accounts to become one of the very few in the world with a true understanding of economics as they relate to these accounts. Another one is a pit bull that knows no fear and has the clarity of mind and purpose that staggers the imagination.

    The plan calls for a complete reigning in of the banks and to force them to work according to their Charters, and bankers who fail to comply will face the consequences of their actions. In America, it has been estimated that the US Debt could be eliminated with less than four years through this one device. Taxes could be driven down to their lowest level since the beginning of the nineteenth century.

    It is estimated that taxes on the people could be reduced heavily and in many cases eliminated. This is done simply by forcing Banks to pay back to Treasury what they have been stealing in almost every country in the World. Force them to make proper pass back to Treasury Direct instead of stealing the wealth of their clients through fraud and deception.

    Put this together with proper oversight, which will take men of resolve and courage such as the above mentioned White Dragons, men who understand the real cause of economic problems, and then the economic problems we are told exist, will simply vanish, for they are no more than a mirage. If you do not believe this, then add the trillions in profits that banks tender as trading profits and the bonuses they pay themselves for the United States alone, and you will have considerably more than the annual deficit growth. Are these earnings from honest labor?   Not at all. They are the earnings gained from misrepresentation, fraud,  theft, deception and manipulation. The steal the homes of hard working people, people who have been disadvantaged by the rush of banks to pay shareholders ever increasing dividends and themselves ever increasing salaries and bonuses.

    Clean up the trading markets of banks and ensure money goes where it is supposed to go.

    Once the accounts are in the hands of men who will ensure they are used as they should be, then the problems the world faces today in the disenfranchisement of the working middle class will cease. All countries will have equitable access to the Global Accounts, no matter what their politics.

    This change is coming. The countries that have already decided their assets within the Global Accounts System shall be brought under proper control have also decided that Keenan and Scott, the men who have defined where the problems really lie and have fearlessly moved to resolve these problems should also be the men who will oversee the accounts.

    We are on the cusp of a whole new era for the world.

    One thing the “rats” should realize, no matter how powerful they think they are, Governments make the laws. In the end, these rats that own the Federal Reserve System and the Global Banking System are subject to law, and their days manipulating politicians will come to a very hard end as the politicians wake up.


    Senior International Finance official.

September 25, 2011 – WHITE HATS REPORT #29

Obama, Bush and the true, Sordid State of Our Cabal Controlled Union.

It has been a little bit of time since we last posted an article.  Although we have volumes to report, we do not have the time to author stories of more scandals, it’s just more of the same and vastly larger than reported in the past.  We promise we will.  In reality, we have been working with world leaders, numerous security agencies and the legitimate or clean guys in the banking industry to bring the Global Settlement to a conclusion.  We have certainly seen the results of the Dark Cabal’s work for nearly fifty plus years, the depth of the tentacles’ of the Bush Clan in all aspects of the banking industry.  What is more interesting is the picture that is developing around the secret organizations that support the new version of the World War II German Reich.  Seems like some of the old guard are still hanging around in very clandestine, quiet places and are at the helm of the banking Cabal including the Bush’s.

This is an amazing world we are living in.  Every American and every person in the free world should be stepping up to the plate and questioning every aspect of our representatives and their intentions.  We support the total removal of incumbents from our leadership and a process for the thorough vetting of candidates on a state by state basis prior to their ability to hold office on a Federal basis.  We no longer can have the extremely poor leadership that has been commonplace for these many past decades.

America is the shining star of freedom in the world and we can no longer afford to elect the types of people that will be intimidated by or want to only cooperate for profit with the secret under body of the world.  We need people that will put their lives on the line to root out the individuals and groups that have divisive plans to control the world through manipulation of the political process, the financial markets and the main stream media.  It is up to the American public, our clean world leaders and the people of the world to literally force the tough questions and push the bastards out of office.  It is up to the common folks to wake up and spread the word to their neighbors to show what 308 million Americans can do.  We can report all day long, but if YOU won’t act or even question then it is all for naught and you will continue to suffer for your lack of action.  We hope that YOU are not waiting for us to do all of the work.  We do the heavy lifting, however many hands (minds and voices) will complete the task and improve the world we live in.

During the last few weeks as Washington, D.C. was on vacation, The White Hats have been working diligently behind the scenes with intelligence sources to expose the dark cabal.  We have been holding in reserve supporting evidence, which portray the depth of corruption and complicity of the Beltway Federal establishment, still controlled by George H.W. Bush Sr.  Our Constitutional values are still being dismantled and replaced by the dictates of a criminal Cabal, a pretend president and his illegal administration.  Homeland Security has failed to recognize that our greatest enemy is already within. This enemy is the greatest threat to the liberties and freedoms we love as Americans: a failing president controlled by a dark cabal conspiring to profiteer from their insatiable greed.  The world knows what is unfolding as Israel has now sold 46% of its US Treasuries and Russia has sold 95% of its own US Treasury holdings.

The truth is widely known among the nations who are asking why these criminals have been allowed to perpetuate their criminal control unchecked.  Bush Senior and Obama are blatantly compromising, not only America’s economic recovery, but the World’s by continuing to extort and unlawfully use the Global Settlements and all of the funds they have stolen for years.  They refuse to release funds which are not theirs while maximizing Bank Trading Program payments for their own offshore accounts.  As recent as this week, a wire transfer of funds to Wells Fargo Bank for a true Patriotic Beneficiary was illegally stopped so they could continue their felonious activities.

Geithner was appointed to head up the US Treasury for one reason. He was appointed as the Gatekeeper to stop any independent ethical appointee from having oversight over the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, whose criminal Ponzi and racketeering activities have crippled America with debt obligations beyond anyone’s imagination.  Geithner fronts a cover up as a bought slave to his Master Bush.  Geithner has taken combined payouts from the theft of the Falcone Bank Program funds set up by Bush Senior, which he is now seeking to hide behind discretionary Nominees fronting for him via The Royal Bank of Canada accounts in London, which we are tracking.

We know Geithner’s illegal Banking as he desperately seeks to avoid our monitoring investigators.

We know about Bush Seniors, Biden’s, the Clinton’s, and Romney’s offshore accounts, which will be exposed and deny Romney the Presidency.  We watch Obama’s desperate attempts to hide his own accounts totaling in excess of 11 Billion Dollars.  We know the full extent of the CIA Bank Program trafficking. These will be exposed and moves are in process by Falcone’s own attorneys to get all identified accounts frozen.

Both our Senate, Congress, Pentagon and all Agency leaders know fully that Obama is an illegal President, as do the Supreme Court Justices.  Slowly International media is waking up and challenging the inadequacies and transgressions of Obama and his criminal Chicago support team. Visibly, the protective compliant media shell is now cracking as questions and challenges to Obama and the Bush criminal cabal are mounting.    The wheels are coming off their Gravy Train.

The very role of FRB New York, Geithner’s former home, is now being debated and challenged. This is their Achilles’ Heel.

We outline again the clear and simple facts, which will be rigorously challenged as their empire disintegrates.

  • Obama is not able to be a Lawful American President. He is a criminal Usurper.
  • Obama knowingly and fraudulently tendered a FALSE Birth Certificate, that in itself is a criminal act. He is a Fraud! The whole world sees it, with exception of the US Regulators.
  • Obama has been facilitated with Offshore Bank Program trading accounts and vast profits by Bush 41, using again the notorious Josef Ackermann, Chairman of Deutsche Bank. His accounts are being tracked and monitored ready to be frozen when he is eventually arraigned. Obama’s prime objective now is to maximise his illegal accounts for when he is removed from office. He wants to cut and run as a wealthy man with his fat proceeds of crime in office.  It will end in tears once removed from his Chicago and Texan support umbilicals.
  • Obama has knowingly and fraudulently used the ID number of a dead 19 year old Connecticut boy. Congress knows this as do all Senators. Failure to act on such a deeply humiliating criminal transgression is a Congressional disgrace raising again the integrity of this now neutered House. This raises the question of Representatives for whom because they no longer represent the American people or protect our Constitution or values.
  • Obama fraudulently obtained a US passport with bogus papers. Why has no one checked this? How can Homeland Security allow a Bogus illegal to penetrate so far?
  • Under what legal accord is Obama even married to a US citizen with false papers?
  • Why has Obama failed to act with clear evidence that Biden, his own Vice President has taken bribes of $200M from Clinton acting for Bush Sr. It IS a Criminal offense to bribe a Public Official! It IS a Criminal offense for Biden to take the bribe and for Bush to bribe him. All of this is on record as the Edward Falcone issue proceeds now towards litigation, which has now passed the disclosure demand stages.
  • Geithner will be exposed by future White Hats articles waiting release for vast frauds abusing Americas allies for many $Trillions; Hegemony of the worst kind. We will soon expose the depth of the US Treasury / FRB NY Bait and Switch scams with damning evidence and bank records.
  • Can David Petraeus, with his Political aspirations, afford to become tarnished at the Agency with the visible corruption he has inherited and theft of the Falcone funds? Obama promised him he would get this fiasco settled to avoid public exposure.
  • Who allowed Bush to use US Government planes to fly CIA Agents around the world falsifying bank records and moving Biden’s bribery money in desperation to shelter the audit trail? How can David Dewhurst, ex CIA agent, now Lt Governor of Texas, who set up and helped defraud Falcone, expect to clear vetting for his Senate ambitions? Litigation is now imminent. This is a delicate appointment Rick Perry as Governor needs to review and distance him away from as a key Presidential contender himself.
  • Donald Rumsfeld has now been stripped of immunity in the case involving torture of 2 FBI Informants in Iraq in 2006, Donald Vance and Nathan Ertel. The case is now proceeding. It will open up the systematic inhuman mass brutality and torture of prisoners in Abu Ghraib, which Rumsfeld authorised as part of the Bush murderous campaign of mass brutality now unfolding. This long overdue and merited removal of Rumsfeld’s immunity sends a clear signal that crimes against humanity and American citizens will not be tolerated, no matter who the perpetrators were. Those who invoked such vile repressions will be identified and held accountable. The Rapes and Sodomy in Abu Ghraib, in many cases against teenage children, will all be exposed, and those responsible held accountable.
  • Bush, Jr. dares not even travel to Canada now for fear of War Crimes arrest, nor Switzerland, where committed groups also wait to have warrants issued and detain him for a Hague tribunal. History will judge them in ignominy.  Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rice are culpable of destroying the US economy, America’s global image and our face.
  • As we indicated above and reported previously, Obama has been attempting to hide his stolen funds in several different areas of the world.  He knows we are watching.  In fact, shortly after The White Hats reported that Obama personally was working some of his stolen funds directly with Josef Ackerman of Deutsch Bank, he reacted by immediately pulling his funds out of the trading program .  Please do not be fooled. Obama knows his time is limited and his only focus is to increase these stolen funds with  hopes of doubling the 11 Billion before he has to leave office.  His own party has become split and Obama’s Chicago backers are now pulling away realizing that Obama’s time is short.  Fortunately, the world leaders have become awakened to the truth about Obama and he will have little chance of actually spending these ill gotten gains.



Cured: A Cannabis Story (A Film By David Triplett)

…Cannabis Cures Cancer

Baby Uses Marijuana To Help Fight Cancer!

Breaking News: Cannabis Cures Cancer! 3/12/10

Man Cured of Cancer Applying Hemp Oil (Real Weed) Cannabis

Medical Marijuana – Cures Brain Cancer

Medical Marijuana Stops Spread of Breast Cancer – NBC NEWS

Marijuana Kills Brain Cancer Cells in Humans

THC effects on Tumor Brain Cells vs. Normal Brain Cells

THC (marijuana) Helps Cure Cancer Says Harvard Study

Dr. Raphael Mechoulam discusses medical cannabis: Cancer Cure

Medical Marijuana: Cannabis and Cancer

Marijuana Cure for Cancer!? Marijuana-Weed Info and Clips

Dr. Donald Abrams on Medical Marijuana and Cancer

Most Shocking WikiLeaks Yet! (illegal Cancer Cure=Genocide)–g

Medical Marijuana Cancer Study


Inhibition of Cancer Cell Invasion by Cannabinoids via Increased Expression of Tissue Inhibitor of Matrix Metalloproteinases-1

Anti-tumoral action of cannabinoids: Involvement of sustained ceramide accumulation and extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation

Inhibition of tumor angiogenesis by cannabinoids

Cannabinoids selectively inhibit proliferation and induce death of cultured human glioblastoma multiforme cells

A pilot clinical study of 9-tetrahydrocannabinol in patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme

Cannabinoids as potential new therapy for the treatment of gliomas

Delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol inhibits cell cycle progression by downregulation of E2F1 in human glioblastoma multiforme cells.

Expression of cannabinoid receptors and neurotrophins in human gliomas

Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Inhibits Cell Cycle Progression in Human Breast Cancer Cells through Cdc2 Regulation

Anti-tumor activity of plant cannabinoids with
emphasis on the effect of cannabidiol on human breast carcinoma

Antitumor Effects of Cannabidiol, a Nonpsychoactive Cannabinoid, on Human Glioma Cell Lines

The endogenous cannabinoid anandamide inhibits human breast
cancer cell proliferation

Cannabidiol as a novel inhibitor of Id-1 gene expression in aggressive breast cancer cells

Cannabinoids reduce ErbB2-driven breast cancer progression through Akt inhibition

Cannabinoid Receptor as a Novel Target for the Treatment of Prostate Cancer

Anti-proliferative and apoptotic effects of anandamide in human prostatic cancer cell lines: implication of epidermal growth factor receptor down-regulation and ceramide production

The endogenous cannabinoid, anandamide, induces cell death in colorectal carcinoma cells: a possible role for cyclooxygenase 2

Cannabis-induced cytotoxicity in leukemic cell lines: the role of the cannabinoid receptors and the MAPK pathway

Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol-induced apoptosis in Jurkat leukemia T cells is regulated by translocation of Bad to mitochondria


Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol inhibits epithelial growth factor-induced lung cancer cell migration in vitro as well as its growth and metastasis in vivo

Cannabinoids Induce Apoptosis of Pancreatic Tumor Cells via Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress–Related Genes

Cannabinoids in pancreatic cancer: Correlation with survival and pain

Inhibition of Cancer Cell Invasion by Cannabinoids via Increased Expression of Tissue Inhibitor of Matrix Metalloproteinases-1

Cannabinoids inhibit cellular respiration of human oral cancer cells

The dual effects of delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol on cholangiocarcinoma cells: anti-invasion activity at low concentration and apoptosis induction at high concentration

Cannabinoid receptor-mediated apoptosis induced by R(+)-methanandamide and Win55,212-2 is associated with ceramide accumulation and p38 activation in mantle cell lymphoma

xpression of cannabinoid receptors type 1 and type 2 in non-Hodgkin lymphoma: Growth inhibition by receptor activation

Cannabidiol enhances the inhibitory effects of delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol on human glioblastoma cell proliferation and survival

Cannabinoids and Cancer
Inhibition of skin tumor growth and angiogenesis in vivo by activation of cannabinoid receptors (specifically section under THC – “Most Recently investigators at the University of California, Pacific Medical Center reported that cannabinoids possess synergistic anti-cancer properties — finding that the administration of a combination of the plant’s constituents is superior to the administration of isolated compounds alone.[13]”)

Cannabidiol enhances the inhibitory effects of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol on human glioblastoma cell proliferation and survival

Cannabinoids and cancer

Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol induces apoptosis in C6 glioma cells.

Enhancing the in vitro cytotoxic activity of Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol in leukemic cells through a combinatorial approach.

Cannabinoids for Cancer Treatment: Progress and Promise :

Cannabinoid Receptors, CB1 and CB2, as Novel Targets for Inhibition of Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer Growth and Metastasis

A Combined Preclinical Therapy of Cannabinoids and Temozolomide against Glioma

The Levels of the Endocannabinoid Receptor CB2 and Its Ligand 2-Arachidonoylglycerol Are Elevated in Endometrial Carcinoma

Synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists inhibit tumor growth and metastasis of breast cancer

Potentiation of Cannabinoid-Induced Cytotoxicity in Mantle Cell Lymphoma through Modulation of Ceramide Metabolism

Cannabinoid Receptor Activation Induces Apoptosis through Tumor Necrosis Factor α–Mediated Ceramide De novo Synthesis in Colon Cancer Cells

Breast CancerDelta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol inhibits 17beta-estradiol-induced proliferation and fails to activate androgen and estrogen receptors in MCF7 human breast cancer cells

Colorectal Cancer
The cannabinoid 9-tetrahydrocannabinol inhibits RAS-MAPK and PI3K-AKT survival signalling and induces BAD-mediated apoptosis in colorectal cancer cells

Cannabinoid receptor ligands mediate growth inhibition and cell death in mantle cell lymphoma

Cannabinoid receptors as novel targets for the treatment of melanoma


You can Make TOFU from HEMPSEEDS !!!

It turns out that the real TOFU was not made from SOYBEANS before the 1930’s.

It was made from MARIJUANA SEEDS !
Actually The real name for Marijuana grown for food is HEMP.
HEMPSEEDS are actually a fruit and is the NUMBER ONE source of protein for the human species.
check out this article:

Soybeans were brought in to replace HEMPSEEDS even though Soybeans are number 100 on the list of best protein !!!

Making TOFU-MA (from hempseeds) is EASY !
just google ‘how to make tofu’ and then use HEMP MILK instead of SOY MILK.

I think it was changed so that when we were all smart enough to figure it out we would change it back…

The big problem is most of us are not even smart enough to quit eating cows yet !!

It seems that most of us are going to die, from STUPIDITY, and lack of motivation to change that.


Here’s the answer to the problem anyway, hopefully some of us will take it to heart and apply it in our lives.

Is eating meat ‘MURDER’?

Babies have to die and Mommas have to cry.
Pathological, unhealthy, and quite convenient for culling the population. Many people will die from it, and it is their own fault.
Many people know better because they people around them that have spent their whole lives studying to find the truth and sacrificed having families and money to do so have told them and they ignore the truth of information.
The Animals will have the ultimate victory as all of these ‘Failures in Evolution’ eat themselves to death.

Cannabis Farmers Grange is Formed.

Modeled after the American Grange and Order of the Patrons of Husbandry, this Association will be accepting applications at the beginning of the third quarter of 2010.

This group has a powerful and effective program for independent Cannabis Farmers that has no rival, to date.

Working closely in association with existing oversight agencies, the CFG intends to bring the same level of support to contemporary America that was delivered by the beloved American Grange and Order of the Patrons of Husbandry, which played a large role in solving the challenge and crisis of reformation of a war-torn Post Civil war American Nation in the 1800’s.

for more information contact the CFG at the Association’s website.

Haiti Being forced to accept Toxic GMO Seeds from MONSANTO

Monsanto is a POP-CON agent.

Monsanto needs to be dissolved immediately.

Haiti must refuse these seeds, and those who are funding Her reconstruction must refuse to accept the $4million dollar ‘Smallpox laced Blankets’ in the form of ‘HYBRID’ (what a lie) seeds from this dastardly and ANTI-LIFE company called MONSANTO.


From a recent Fair Vote newsletter

Blll Maher wants IRV/alternative voting. So does Jesse Ventura.

Hendersonville (NC) city council indicates with unanimous vote that it wants to keep using instant runoff voting

Utah Republicans in Box Elder county used IRV in county nominations this weekend

UC-San Diego: Woman wins IRV race for president in last IRV round.

IRV plays key role in student votes at Columbia

Brandeis student paper. Elections “showcased the success of the new instant-runoff voting system

University of Minnesota has big jump in turnout in 4-way instant runoff race for student body president:

Instant runoff elections at NC State in 7-way vote for president