Cannabis Farmers Grange is Formed.

Modeled after the American Grange and Order of the Patrons of Husbandry, this Association will be accepting applications at the beginning of the third quarter of 2010.

This group has a powerful and effective program for independent Cannabis Farmers that has no rival, to date.

Working closely in association with existing oversight agencies, the CFG intends to bring the same level of support to contemporary America that was delivered by the beloved American Grange and Order of the Patrons of Husbandry, which played a large role in solving the challenge and crisis of reformation of a war-torn Post Civil war American Nation in the 1800’s.

for more information contact the CFG at the Association’s website.

Haiti Being forced to accept Toxic GMO Seeds from MONSANTO

Monsanto is a POP-CON agent.

Monsanto needs to be dissolved immediately.

Haiti must refuse these seeds, and those who are funding Her reconstruction must refuse to accept the $4million dollar ‘Smallpox laced Blankets’ in the form of ‘HYBRID’ (what a lie) seeds from this dastardly and ANTI-LIFE company called MONSANTO.

THUNDERGRO™ is the most amazing thing I have ever used in farming

It is true that there are other formulas with components that are similar to components in THUNDERgro™

like Humates, but never before has there been a formula like THUNDERgro™ available anywhere.

It utilizes physics to bring vitality and paramaganetic force back to the soil.

I have been farming since I was a small boy, and worked with many different mediums, and with all kinds of formulas and techniques, and it is utterly amazing to me how quickly I saw changes in my garden, and the effects seem to be building in intensity. For example: We are now in our fourth year of treating our gardens, and fruit trees, and through that period, our avocado tree which was scarcely producing at all when we began. The first thing we noticed was that the initial treatments with THUNDERgro™ increased the size of the fruit by 25% or more, and then a very odd thing occurred. The tree did not pause before it began to immediately go into the cycles of de-foliating, re-foliating and flowering and then fruiting! Usually the tree would pause, go through each of the cycles outlined above in succession through the seasons. The next thing we noticed is that the number of fruits in each ‘pod’ (clusters of fruit on the tree) increased from an average of 4 – 5  fruits to 9 – 11 !!

We wonder what will come next!

You can check out more about THUNDERgro™ by visiting them at

Thoughts on petroleum oil, hemp fuel, and the agenda of Hemp globalization

Great bit of historical documentation!
All of it very accurate. When I came upon this information as a young man I was shocked that there were very few people who knew this information, and then PISSED because it was as if nobody cared. It did not stop me.
I have spent my whole career studying this issue. Over the years, I have come to a point of view that has been confirmed by some pretty high level intelligence sources.
There’s no oil crisis.
The only crisis will be what to do with it after we quit using it for fuel, because it keeps building up!
The oil industries labor of these many decades was necessary. It is a part of an effort to thwart glaciation cycling, as much of the cause of the glaciation cycling of the planet is due to the seizure of the crust to the mantle that comes from the accrual of biomass in the mineral oil deposits of the crust of the planet.

This task is well in hand and the crust is beginning to unsieze from the mantle as is evidenced by the increase in hwat is known as the Schumann Resonant Frequency. This is the base resonant frequency of the planet and had been holding steady at 7.6 hz, and is now sitting in the range of 11-13hz and climbing.. The planet is starting to behave like a gyroscope rather than behaving like a ‘top’.

So relax, “Slugworth works for Willy Wonka.” and a fantastic plan has been and is still in play, and it involves the struggle of the last several decades and the effort we are all making right now, to set the world up so that it can run with HEMP as a base currency.   What Henry Ford and many others including JACK HERER have been saying about Hemp is true. It will run the world. but not without some organization and attention to STRUCTURING these industries!!

The world has been set up to run on HEMP by loosely segregating the industrial use of HEMP globally. The prohibition was required in order to do this.
The fuel is already being made in south America using the sugar cane pyrolysis plants there, as well as building new ones and making ‘e-grass’ plantations.
China will continue to make paper and fabric.
Africa will grow the Hempseeds for food for the world.
America and Canada will be providing the world’s medicine made from Cannabis.

We would not make good neighbors if we all just began growing hemp for all different uses all over the place…. your hempseed production would ruin the genetics of my seedless medicine crop and dilute the potency… there sure would be alot of seeds though!!!   You get the point !?
So much to my relief and surprise, there is method to the madness of hemp prohibition, thank god it is coming to its end, it was a horrible tough job, I spent alot of years being angry with humanity for being so ignorant lazy and selfish, and blaming it on the forces that are carrying out this agenda, when really they are not the enemy at all.
Despite the fact that this effort has been and is being made, HEMP is beginning to be sown everywhere for all purposes, and much of it will ebb into the regions of the world that have been set up.

If the efforts of those in charge of circumventing the cycles of glaciation that this planet suffers are failure, it will not matter anyway, we will have to start over again, which is getting pretty old to me, I would like to experience life after glaciation cycling on this planet.


TREE HUGGER – More evidence is emerging that methane previously trapped in the permafrost below the Arctic sea is starting to be released into the oceans and potentially into the atmosphere. Research published in Science shows that up to 7 million tons of methane is released annually from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf–a small percentage of total greenhouse gas emissions, but potentially enough to account for recent increases in atmospheric methane levels.

The permafrost of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (an area of about 2 million kilometers squared) is more porous than previously thought. The ocean on top of it and the heat from the mantle below it warm it and make it perforated like Swiss cheese. This allows methane gas stored under it under pressure to burst into the atmosphere. The amount leaking from this locale is comparable to all the methane from the rest of the world’s oceans put together. Methane is a greenhouse gas more than 30 times more potent than carbon dioxide.

Study lead author Natalia Shakhova said it was too early to say if we’re about to pass a tipping point where massive amounts of stored methane are released into the atmosphere, triggering rapid warming, but that is a concern.

“Our concern is that the subsea permafrost has been showing signs of destabilization already. If it further destabilizes, the methane emissions may not be teragrams [one million metric tons], it would be significantly larger.”

If just 10% of the methane stored in Arctic permafrost were released into the atmosphere it could lead to a further 0.7°C warming all on its own, equivalent to all the warming the world has seen since the industrial revolution.


TREE HUGGER – Mountains of salt are spread on snowy roads in North America every winter, and environmentalists have been complaining about it for years. But studies are piling up that indicate that the cost may be too high. Martin Mittelstaedt reports in the Globe and Mail about a new study of Frenchman’s Bay, a lagoon off Lake Ontario by University of Toronto Geologists. The conclusion:

“Our findings are pretty dramatic, and the effects are felt year-round,” said Nick Eyles, a geology professor at the university and the lead researcher on the project. “We now know that 3,600 tonnes of road salt end up in that small lagoon every winter from direct runoff in creeks and effectively poison it for the rest of the year.”

In the community of Pickering, east of Toronto, they apply 7,600 tons of salt. Half of it goes into the groundwater, and the other half right into Frenchman’s Bay.

The salt water “knocks out fish,” Dr. Eyles said, adding that in the most contaminated areas, only older fish can survive, while younger ones move to areas of the lagoon closer to Lake Ontario and its fresher water.

A University of Minnesota study recently studied 39 lakes and three major rivers, and found that 70% of the road salt ended up in the watershed. According to Science Daily.