2012 Brings Major Change in Global Cannabis Hemp Policy.

Despite the swirling torrent of Dis and Mis Information on the subject, the World’s relationship to a subject that has been taboo for over a hundred years is about to change forever. The reason for the global prohibition on Cannabis and Hemp is a very simple and surprisingly benevolent one. No NOT because smoking pot gives you cancer or makes you sterile or rots your brain, NOR is it because NYLON fiber is better than HEMP. Or that Petroleum based fuels are better then Hemp-based cellulosic ETHANOL. Not because Pharmaceutical synthetic drugs are better than solid (HEMPSEED Based) nutrition and exercise, none of these.


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The simple truth is that the human global economy and culture has been tooling up to RUN THE WORLD using this wondrous resource, as predicted by JACK HERER, the man who devoted his life to exploring and publicizing the amazingness of the Cannabis Plant. Prohibition has allowed for the global segregation of the various industrial production possibilities inherent in the plant. As the genetic variations of the plant provide multiple useful products, it follows that it would make sense to structure the system that would deliver this production geographically, so as to maximize the ability to prevent strain degradation by cross pollination between the various strains bred for the various production needs. Now that it is all but over, and the ramp up of the global hemp economy set to begin, this information is important for those who have found their way to this article, and that is the reason that it has been cleared for public knowledge.

Watch as Cannabis Hemp comes into the mainstream, bringing great relief, but NOT only in the goofy way that all of you imagine… It’s much much Larger than that, seriously VERY COOL.

thanks to the group (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) that worked diligently across time and space to bring this forth, we are all eternally grateful.


Stephen Saunders, The Maji

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