Breaking news on Marijuana in California

The California Supreme Court today struck down the state’s limits on how
much medical marijuana a patient can possess, concluding that the
restrictions imposed by the Legislature were an unconstitutional
amendment of a 1996 voter-approved initiative.

The decision means that patients and caregivers with a doctor’s recommendation to use marijuana can now possess as much as is
“reasonably related to the patient’s current medical needs,” a standard
that the court established in a 1997 decision.

“I’m very pleased. They gave us exactly what we wanted,” said Gerald F. Uelmen, a law professor at Santa Clara University who argued
the case for Patrick K. Kelly, a medical marijuana patient from
Lakewood who was convicted of possession and cultivation. “This makes
it very clear that all of the rights of patients under the
Compassionate Use Act are fully preserved.”

The initiative did not limit the amount of marijuana that a patient could possess or cultivate other than to require it be
“personal medical purposes.”

How Factory Farms Are Pumping Americans Full of Deadly Bacteria and Pathogens

Kathy Freston

broilersWe’re getting sicker and sicker, thanks to gruesome conditions in animal agriculture nationwide.

After reading, by Dr. Michael Greger, I was stunned to realize the extent to which we have endangered our health by allowing factory farms to flourish and produce 99 percent of the meat, dairy and eggs we eat. Not only are dangerous flu viruses mutating because of these concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), but we are also being exposed to some other very serious bacteria and pathogens. Things have gotten out of hand in our food production, especially in the livestock sector.

In Part I of my interview with Dr. Greger, he explained the growing potential of deadly flu viruses. In Part 2 of the interview, we discuss E. coli, salmonella and other worrisome pathogens.

Kathy Freston: Where does E. coli come from and how does it get into food? Why is it often found on vegetables?

Michael Greger: E. coli is an intestinal pathogen. It only gets in the food if fecal matter gets in the food. Since plants don’t have intestines, all E. coli infections – in fact all food poisoning – comes from animals. When’s the last time you heard of a person getting Dutch elm disease or a really bad case of aphids? People don’t get plant diseases; they get animal diseases. The problem is that because of the number of animals raised today, a billion tons of manure are produced every year in the United States – the weight of 10,000 Nimitz-class aircraft carriers. Dairy cow and pig factories often dump millions of gallons of putrefying waste into massive open-air cesspits, which can leak and contaminate water used to irrigate our crops. That’s how a deadly fecal pathogen like E. coli O157:H7 can end up contaminating our spinach. So regardless of what we eat, we all need to fight against the expansion of factory farming in our communities, our nation and around the world.

KF: What percentage of the population gets hit by the bacteria? How many of them die? Could that number increase?

MG: While E. coli O157:H7 remains the leading cause of acute kidney failure in U.S. children, fewer than 100,000 Americans get infected every year, and fewer than 100 die. But millions get infected with other types of E. coli that can cause urinary tract infections (UTIs) that can invade the bloodstream and cause an estimated 36,000 deaths annually in the United States.

KF: We only occasionally hear of the very few fatal E. coli cases; is it really a widespread problem?

MG: When medical researchers at the University of Minnesota took more than 1,000 food samples from multiple retail markets, they found evidence of fecal contamination in 69 percent of the pork and beef and 92 percent of the poultry samples. Nine out of 10 chicken carcasses in the store may be contaminated with fecal matter. And half of the poultry samples were contaminated with the UTI-causing E. coli bacteria.

Scientists now suspect that by eating chicken, women infect their lower intestinal tract with these meat-borne bacteria, which can then creep up into their bladders. Hygiene measures to prevent UTIs have traditionally included wiping from front to back after bowel movements and urinating after intercourse to flush out any invaders, but now women can add poultry avoidance as a way to help prevent urinary tract infections.

KF: Are there any long-term problems for people who ingest E. coli and have a bad day or two with diarrhea, or is the problem over once out of the system?

MG: Last month the Center for Foodborne Illness Research & Prevention released a report on the long-term consequences of common causes of food poisoning. Life-long complications of E. coli O157:H7 infection include end-stage kidney disease, permanent brain damage and insulin-dependent diabetes.

KF: Is E. coli a problem if the meat is cooked?

MG: With the exception of prions, the infectious agents responsible for mad cow disease and the human equivalent – which can survive even incineration at temperatures hot enough to melt lead – all viral, fungal and bacterial pathogens in our food supply can be killed by proper cooking. Why then do tens of millions of Americans come down with food poisoning every year? Cross-contamination is thought to account for the bulk of infections. For example, chicken carcasses are so covered in bacteria that researchers at the University of Arizona found more fecal bacteria in the kitchen – on sponges and dish towels, and in the sink drain – than they found swabbing the toilet. In a meat-eater’s house it may be safer to lick the rim of the toilet seat than the kitchen counter top, because people aren’t preparing chickens in their toilets. Chicken “juice” is essentially raw fecal soup.

KF: What goes on inside the body when a human ingests E. coli?

MG: Depending on the strain, the number of bacteria ingested, and the immune status of the victim it can fail to cause any disease at all, or in the worst cases, cause multi-system organ failure. Here’s how one mother described what E. coli O157:H7 did to her 3-year-old daughter Brianna:
The pain during the first 80 hours was horrific, with intense abdominal cramping every 10 to 12 minutes. Her intestines swelled to three times their normal size and she was placed on a ventilator. Emergency surgery became essential and her colon was removed. After further surgery, doctors decided to leave the incision open, from sternum to pubis, to allow Brianna’s swollen organs room to expand and prevent them from ripping her skin. Her heart was so swollen it was like a sponge and bled from every pore. Her liver and pancreas shut down and she was gripped by thousands of convulsions, which caused blood clots in her eyes. We were told she was brain-dead.
KF: What a horror. Why is it deadly for some and not others?

MG: We think it has to do with the virulence of the bacteria – some strains are deadlier than others – and the vulnerability of the host. We’re not sure why children under 5 years of age are at the highest risk for dangerous complications, but that is certainly a finding that has been consistent.

KF: Is factory-farmed meat more likely to get E. coli out into the market, or is all meat (even free range) carrying that potential?

MG: In chickens, these bacteria cause a disease called colibacillosis, now one of the most significant and widespread infectious diseases in the poultry industry due to the way we now raise these animals. Studies have shown infection risk to be directly linked to overcrowding on factory chicken farms. In caged egg-laying hens, the most significant risk factor for flock infection is hen density per cage. Researchers have calculated that affording just a single quart of additional living space to each hen would be associated with a corresponding 33 percent drop in the risk of colibacillosis outbreak. This is one of the reasons many efforts to improve the lives of farmed animals is critical not only for animal welfare, but for the health of humans and animals alike.

In terms of other infections like Campylobacter, the most common cause of bacterial food poisoning in the United States, Consumer Reports published an analysis of retail chicken in its January 2010 issue. The majority of store-bought chickens were contaminated with Campylobacter, which can trigger arthritis, heart and blood infections, and a condition called Guillain-Barré syndrome that can leave people permanently disabled and paralyzed. Comparing store brands, 59 percent of the conventional factory-farmed chickens were contaminated, compared to 57 percent of chickens raised organically. So there might be a marginal difference, but the best strategy may be to avoid meat completely. With the virtual elimination of polio, the most common cause of neuromuscular paralysis in the United States now comes from eating chicken.

KF: What about salmonella? Is it really a big deal, or is it just a matter of an upset stomach?

MG: Salmonella kills more Americans than any other food-borne illness. There is an epidemic of egg-borne food poisoning every year in the United States. To this day, more than 100,000 Americans are sickened annually by salmonella-infected eggs.

KF: Do we have more salmonella now than we did 25 or 50 years ago? If so, why?

MG: There was a time when our grandparents could drink eggnog and children could eat raw cookie dough without fear of joining the thousands of Americans hospitalized with salmonella infections every year. Before the industrialization of egg production, salmonella only sickened a few hundred Americans every year and Salmonella enteritidis was not found in eggs at all. By the beginning of the 21st century, however, Salmonella enteritidis-contaminated eggs were sickening an estimated 182,000 Americans annually.

There are many industrial practices that contribute to the alarming rates of this disease. Most eggs come from hens confined in battery cages, small barren wire enclosures affording these animals less living space than a single sheet of letter-sized paper for virtually their entire one- to two-year lifespan. Salmonella-contaminated battery cage operations in the United States confine an average of more than 100,000 hens in a single shed. The massive volume of contaminated airborne fecal dust in such a facility rapidly accelerates the spread of infection.

Factory farming practices also led to the spread of salmonella around the world. Just as the feeding of dead animals to live ones triggered the mad cow crisis, this same practice has also been implicated in the global spread of salmonella. Once egg production wanes, hens may be ground up and rendered into what is called “spent hen meal,” and then fed to other hens. More than half of the feed samples for farmed birds containing slaughter-plant waste tested by the FDA were found contaminated with salmonella. CDC researchers have estimated that more than a million cases of salmonella poisoning in Americans can be directly tied to feed containing animal byproducts.

KF: What happens to the body when salmonella gets into the system?

MG: Within 12 to 72 hours of infection the fever, diarrhea and abdominal cramps start. If the victim is lucky it’s over within a week. If not, the bacteria can burrow through the intestinal wall and infect the bloodstream, seeding its way to other organs, including the heart, bones and brain.

KF: Are there any long-term consequences from exposure?

MG: Thanks to salmonella infection one breakfast omelet can now trigger persistent irritable bowel syndrome and what’s called reactive arthritis, which can become a debilitating lifelong condition of swollen painful joints. Because salmonella can infect the ovaries of hens, eggs from infected birds can be laid prepackaged with the bacteria inside. According to research funded by the American Egg Board, salmonella can survive sunny-side-up, over-easy and scrambled egg cooking methods.

KF: Would free-range meat or eggs make a difference in preventing it?

MG: There is evidence that eggs from cage-free hens pose less of a threat. In the largest study of its kind (analyzing more than 30,000 samples taken from more than 5,000 operations across two dozen countries in Europe) cage-free barns had about 40 percent lower odds of harboring the egg-related strain of salmonella.

KF: Can we get salmonella just from touching something tainted?

MG: Absolutely. In fact the infective dose for salmonella is as few 15-20 bacteria, and a single egg can be infected with hundreds. It’s important to understand where the egg comes out. Eggs emerge from the hen’s vent, which is kind of a joint opening for both her vagina and anus, which explains the level of fecal contamination one can find on eggs.

KF: Is it contagious?

MG: Person-to-person transmission of salmonella can occur when an infected person’s feces, unwashed from his or her hands, contaminates food during preparation or comes into direct contact with another person.

KF: Who is most at risk for serious illness or even death?

MG: More than half of all reported salmonella infections occur in children, who are especially susceptible to serious complications. Elderly and immuno-compromised adults are also particularly vulnerable. In the United States, though, some strains of salmonella are growing dangerously resistant to up to six major classes of antibiotics, due in large part to the irresponsible factory farming practice of feeding millions of pounds of antibiotics to animals every year as a crutch to combat the stressful and overcrowded conditions of intensive animal agriculture systems. This puts everyone at risk.

KF: What is the overall solution to prevent these dangerous pathogens and bacteria?

MG: Over the last few decades new animal-to-human infectious diseases have emerged at an unprecedented rate. According to the World Health Organization, the increasing global demand for animal protein is a key underlying factor.

Swine flu is not the only deadly human disease traced to factory farming practices. The meat industry took natural herbivores like cows and sheep, and turned them into carnivores and cannibals by feeding them slaughterhouse waste, blood and manure. Then they fed people “downer” animals – those too sick to even walk. Now the world has mad cow disease.

In 2005 the world’s largest and deadliest outbreak of a pathogen called Strep. suis emerged, causing meningitis and deafness in people handling infected pork products. Experts blamed the emergence on factory farming practices. Pig factories in Malaysia birthed the Nipah virus, one of the deadliest of human pathogens, a contagious respiratory disease causing relapsing brain infections and killing 40 percent of people infected. Its emergence was likewise blamed squarely on factory farming.

The pork industry in the U.S. feeds pigs millions of pounds of human antibiotics every year just to promote growth in such a stressful, unhygienic environment, and now there are these multi-drug-resistant bacteria and we as physicians are running out of good antibiotic options. As the UK’s chief medical officer put it in his 2009 annual report, “Every inappropriate use of antibiotics in agriculture is a potential death warrant for a future patient.”

In the short term we need to put an end to the riskiest practices, such as extreme confinement – gestation crates and battery cages – and the non-therapeutic feeding of antibiotics. We have to follow the advice of the American Public Health Association to declare a moratorium on factory farms and eventually phase them out completely. How we treat animals can have global public health implications.

KF: Sounds like part of the solution is to gravitate toward a vegetarian diet. Check out One Bite At a Time for information on how to do it.

About the author

Kathy Freston is a health and wellness expert and a New York Times bestselling author. Her latest book is The Quantum Wellness Cleanse: The 21-Day Essential Guide to Healing Your Body, Mind, and Spirit. She has been featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Ellen, The View and Good Morning America.


International Journal of Biological Sciences, Abstract, 2009 – We present for the first time a comparative analysis of blood and organ system data from trials with rats fed three main commercialized genetically modified maize, which are present in food and feed in the world. . . Approximately 60 different biochemical parameters were classified per organ and measured in serum and urine after 5 and 14 weeks of feeding. GM maize-fed rats were compared first to their respective isogenic or parental non-GM equivalent control groups. This was followed by comparison to six reference groups, which had consumed various other non-GM maize varieties. . . Our analysis clearly reveals for the 3 GMOs new side effects linked with GM maize consumption, which were sex- and often dose-dependent. Effects were mostly associated with the kidney and liver, the dietary detoxifying organs, although different between the 3 GMOs. Other effects were also noticed in the heart, adrenal glands, spleen and haematopoietic system. We conclude that these data highlight signs of hepatorenal toxicity, possibly due to the new pesticides specific to each GM corn. In addition, unintended direct or indirect metabolic consequences of the genetic modification cannot be excluded.

Wikipedia – A 2008 review published by the Royal Society of Medicine noted that GM foods have been eaten by millions of people worldwide for over 15 years, with no reports of ill effects. Similarly a 2004 report from the US National Academies of Sciences stated: “To date, no adverse health effects attributed to genetic engineering have been documented in the human population.” A 2004 review of feeding trials in the Italian Journal of Animal Science found no differences among animals eating genetically modified plants. A 2005 review in Archives of Animal Nutrition concluded that first-generation genetically modified foods had been found to be similar in nutrition and safety to non-GM foods, but noted that second-generation foods with “significant changes in constituents” would be more difficult to test, and would require further animal studies. However, a 2009 review in Nutrition Reviews found that although most studies concluded that GM foods do not differ in nutrition or cause any detectable toxic effects in animals, some studies did report adverse changes at a cellular level caused by some GM foods, concluding that “More scientific effort and investigation is needed to ensure that consumption of GM foods is not likely to provoke any form of health problem”.

Physorg, 2005 – A recent Russian study says 55.6 percent of the offspring of female rats fed genetically engineered soy flour died within three weeks. The female rats reportedly received 5-7 grams of the Roundup Ready variety of soybeans, beginning two weeks before conception and continuing through nursing. By comparison, scientists said only 9 percent of the offspring of rats fed non-GM soy died.

Furthermore, Russian researchers said offspring from the GM-fed group were significantly stunted — 36 percent weighed less than 20 grams after two weeks, compared with only 6.7 percent from the control group.

The study was conducted by Dr. Irina Ermakova of the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology in Moscow, a part of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The study was presented during the recent conference of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine in Tucson, Ariz.

The AAEM board issued a statement saying: “We recognize this study is preliminary in nature. It hasn’t yet been peer reviewed and the methodology has not been spelled out in detail. But given the magnitude of the findings and the implications for human health, we urge the National Institutes of Health to immediately replicate the research.”

More Older Americans Using Drugs Illicitly

Report says marijuana is used by nearly half of older drug users
An estimated 4.3 million Americans age 50 and older‹roughly one out of every 20 in that age group‹have used at least one drug illicitly within the past year, according to a government report released today that offers an intriguing snapshot of aging Americans and drugs.

Those who admitted to illicit drug use included nearly one in 10 boomers between ages 50 and 54, and one in 14 of those between 55 and 59, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, which included a sample of nearly 20,000 older Americans.

Of the group that said they used drugs, marijuana was the drug of choice for nearly half of those 50 and older (44.9 percent). One-third (33.4 percent) admitted to taking prescription drugs for purposes other than their intended use. The survey was sponsored by the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

The findings follow previous research from the agency, released last summer, noting that marijuana use among those in their 50s increased by 84 percent since 2002. ³For the most part, this is a group of people that, as they age, never gave it up,² Peter Delany, who directs the agency¹s research, tells Bulletin Today.
Marijuana use was more prevalent among those in their 50s than in other age groups, the new report finds, while nonmedical use of prescription drugs was more common in men and women 65 and older. ³We can¹t explain why more older adults are misusing prescription drugs,² Delany says, ³but we can say that those medications are more available than they used to be.² It may be, he says, that people with valid prescriptions are disposing of their medication improperly, or that some are sharing their medication with others.

The survey did not track the reasons for taking the drugs‹whether they were for pain or for pleasure. But, Delany adds, ³If this trend continues‹and we expect it will‹the number of those in this age group who need treatment may double this decade.²

He sees the findings as a wake-up call for health professionals to do a better job of screening older patients for signs of drug abuse or misuse. ³When I go to my physician,² Delany says, ³I¹m asked about my tobacco and alcohol use, but I¹m not asked if I¹m using drugs. Also, I¹m not asked if I¹m feeling sad or want to hurt myself.²

Looking at all age groups, researchers find that men have higher rates of all types of illicit drug use, with one exception: women between ages 60 and 64. They are nearly twice as likely as men in their age group to take prescription drugs for nonprescription purposes.

The potential for prescription misuse‹and abuse‹in older Americans is nothing new. In a 2007 study published in the American Journal of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy, researchers from the University of Maryland¹s School of Pharmacy in Baltimore found that one in four older adults had exposure to prescription medications with ³abuse potential.²

³Most are painkillers,² says Linda Simoni-Wastila, a professor and lead author of that research. ³And a lot of it starts out as appropriate. Older folks don¹t usually run out and say, ŒI¹m going to be a recreational user.¹ But they have lower back pain, they can¹t sleep, so their doctor continues to prescribe the drugs‹and they get hooked.²

She adds that she¹s not surprised by the new SAMHSA research. She theorizes that in addition to old habits‹the Woodstock generation holding on to its pot-smoking habit of yesteryear‹there is also new, growing acceptance and use of medical marijuana.

Although alcohol use was not included in the national survey, Simoni-Wastila says it should be. ³When psychoactive drugs are [used or] abused in combination with alcohol, it can cause a lot of problems. These drugs should not be used in combination with each other‹or with alcohol.²

Sid Kirchheimer writes about consumer and health issues.

News of A Survivor

I just got the news that my friend who was gravely ill with Stage 3 malignant lymphoma 3 years ago, (they said then she had 6 mos. to live) received a letter from her doctor this week that says she is completely clear and healthy, no Cancer no NOTHING!  The last news I reveived on this was about a year ago, she said that in a very rare and unusual jump in her diagnostic numbers she would be downgraded from stage 3 to stage 1! now this amazing news!!

Good thing she did not go for that radiation and chemotherapy!

She will tell you that she quit drinking and smoking poisoned cigarettes, and scrubs her skin really well everyday and eats ALOT more raw vegetables, and smokes weeeeeeeeeeeed.

I am so glad to have her around, as some of you may know I lost my Mom to Cancer and some of my other loved ones and their Mom’s too. many have lost Dad’s and Brothers and Sisters and babies and I have spent alot of time and energy just trying to understand WHY WHY WHY….
I Coulda been anything done anything in life SERIOUSLY.
Those who grew up with me know the truth of this.

and yet it was this CANCER KILLED MY MOM that consumed me, and it led me to marijuana and some important research.

Anyway I am happy to share this blessed news about my friend.

Mushrooms Prevent Breast Cancer


If you like mushrooms this is your lucky day. If you like to wash them down with a little green tea you’ve hit the jack pot. Scientists found that women consuming at least a third of an ounce of fresh mushrooms every day were 64 per cent less likely to develop a breast cancer. The study, carried out in China, also showed women who combined a mushroom diet with regular consumption of green tea saw an even greater benefit. The risk among women in this group was reduced by almost 90 per cent. Some researchers point out that the Chinese study does not prove that mushrooms prevent cancer even though there is evidence that mushrooms can kill cancer cells in vitro. However HFA members know that it may be a long time (never) before Big Pharma will spend a billion dollars to prove to the FDA that something you can buy at your grocery store is going prevent or cure disease.

Click here for more information >>>

I almost got into a debate with an Immunology Academic Type, but he wouldn’t go there…


(FOXNEWS) President Obama’s school age daughters have not been vaccinated against the H1N1 flu virus. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs says the vaccine is not available to them based on their risk.

Wed at 23:09 · · · Share · Report

Daniel James

Daniel James

People need to stop getting vaccinated for every silly little thing it is only making the human immune system weaker in long run
Wed at 23:30
Paul Suliin

Paul Suliin

The vaccine is currently scarce and is being rationed. Obama’s kids weren’t vaccinated because their risk group isn’t high enough to warrant it, NOT because it’s in any way dangerous.

Vaccination against H1N1 is more a public health matter than a personal health matter. The chance of any given person who catches H1N1 developing a serious condition is quite small – less than 1%. However the virus is extremely contagious, due to a low “herd immunity” against this particular strain.

That means that without widespread vaccination, a very large number of people will come down with it – CDC estimates as many as 1/3 of all Americans could end up catching this disease. That’s 100 million people. Even with a mortality rate of about 0.7%, that’s 700,000 dead – 20 times the number of deaths from a normal seasonal flu. H1N1 could easily kill more people in the next 12 months than tobacco will.Read more

This can be prevented only by boosting the resistance of the entire population. The only way to do that is to get vaccinated.

Yesterday at 00:11
Jason Correia

Jason Correia

Personally I’ve gotten almost every vaccine available. Chicken pox, Hep A & B are experiences I will never wonder what I’d be missing. I plan to take the H1N1 vaccine when its more available. So I’ll be a guinea pig by taking a small risk rather than be sick with a nasty flu.
Yesterday at 00:33
Steven Honeycombe

Steven Honeycombe

Im pretty sure Ive had The Bug already, myself and a few people I know. I was real sick, Ive never been that sick before and my friends say the same. Youll need the injection for the young and elderly for sure. Only a handful of people I know got it, all around my age. I was the only one infected in my house hold – go figure
Yesterday at 00:48
Paul Suliin

Paul Suliin

I’m afraid that link is highly speculative. It makes a number of unsubstantiated claims, and jumbles terminology together more or less randomly.

For example it claims that pretty much anything that protects you against disease in any way at all is “part of your immune system.” Apparently then your house is part of your immune system, since it protects you from weather and so helps keep you from getting sick. But talking about a 3BR/2Bath immune system with central heat is fairly silly.

The linked article also claims that anything that alters or goes around the body’s natural systems in any way thereby “damages” those systems. Vaccines are “bad” in part because they bypass the skin and stimulate the immune system artificially. I can’t help noticing that, for example, marijuana also stimulates the body’s systems artificially, and so should be bad for you as well, according to that way of thinking.Read more

By the way, my graduate degree is in medicinal chemistry, so I know a bit about how the body works and about how vaccines and drugs affect it.

Yesterday at 01:18
Keirie Christensen

Keirie Christensen

I think if people base their health beliefs off the internet and (for example) chose not to vaccinate their children could be guilty of some degree of child neglect/abuse….
Yesterday at 06:12
Stephen Saunders

Stephen Saunders

Keirie, what an ignorant statement.
I think if people DO NOT step up and educate themselves with the internet and books (remember those?) and EVERYTHING they can find for information in order to EMPOWER THEMSELVES AND THEIR CHILDREN WITH KNOWLEDGE AND THEN TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT THEIR OWN HEALTH, stupid people would cease to exist, and then the Read moregovernment would not keep creating POPULATION CONTROL PROGRAMS, Like this vaccination and a whole legion other vaccination programs, that have been foistered upon a mass of people who are stupid enough to think a SHOT IN THE ARM will relieve them of the responsibility of looking after their own CONSTITUTION, while they continue selfishly and shortsightedly abuse their bodies by sticking trash (100% cornsyrup added for your distraction) in their face and calling it food, abusing neglecting AND THEN EATING animals, on and on.
If you are so ignorant that you think the government knows what is best for your children better than you, then please run off and get those shots. Do us all a favor….
Yesterday at 10:51 · Delete
Paul Suliin

Paul Suliin

Unfortunately, Stephen, relatively few people have the training to properly evaluate medical advice gained from the Internet. So they believe a whole lot of poorly-supported scare stories, or they misinterpret what they find.

What it really comes down to is believing that a whole lot of doctors might know what’s best for your kids – medically Read morespeaking – better than you do. And that’s not such a stretch of the imagination: it’s the sort of thing you pick up here and there in medical school.

If you don’t believe that, then by all means don’t take them to a doctor when they get sick, and don’t get them vaccinated. But in that case you should expect reasonable questions about your judgment.

Yesterday at 11:06
Holy Hemptress

Holy Hemptress

Gosh– all I brought to light was the fact that this shot might not be a good idea–I would NEVER say do not go to the doctor when you are sick–in fact– I say the complete opposite.

Thanks Paul for your two cents–I value you my friend and brother–93!

Yesterday at 11:33
Stephen Saunders

Stephen Saunders

I think I believe in Humanity alot more than that, and have alot more information about what is culturally playing out in this country.
Yesterday at 11:39 · Delete
Stephen Saunders

Stephen Saunders

‘You ain’t gonna learn what you don’t wanna know.’
Yesterday at 11:42 · Delete
Holy Hemptress

Holy Hemptress

‘You ain’t gonna learn what you don’t wanna know.’

Now that’s telling it like it is!

Yesterday at 12:18
Paul Suliin

Paul Suliin

Yes it is. And if it means “You aren’t going to learn that vaccines are basically safe if you don’t wish to believe that,” then it even applies here.
Yesterday at 12:23
Holy Hemptress

Holy Hemptress

Yep it sure does!
Yesterday at 12:38
Holy Hemptress

Holy Hemptress

I however will learn more before I do anything–
Yesterday at 12:39
Holy Hemptress

Holy Hemptress

But if it is true about how bad this is suppose to be? I will not be doing it!
Yesterday at 12:40
Holy Hemptress

Holy Hemptress

Vaccines–I did vaccinate both of my children–but I have heard of parents being afraid to do so–my what a tangled weave is webbed! Staying clear–from here on out!
Yesterday at 13:22
Stephen Saunders

Stephen Saunders

You are under the hypnosis of the media.
You will go in life whichever direction the crowd goes.
Always, even if it is required that you close your eyes to empirical data…. Do your homework, but prepared to have to own up the fact that ‘the Flock’ is not going to take care of you, that in fact the opposite is true. You are the shepard dude, and wolves are in your sheep.
Quit acting like a sheep, it isn’t fooling anyone, nor is it a ‘safe strategy for survival…Read more
Its costing you sheep(le).
Yesterday at 13:37 · Delete
Paul Suliin

Paul Suliin

No, Stephen. I have a Master’s Degree in Medicinal Chemistry. I’ve worked for Genentech, Roche, and the Department of Pharmacology at UCLA, among others. I “did my homework” for 4 years at the College of Pharmacy at the University of Illinois Health Sciences Center in Chicago.

I am not “under the hypnosis of the media.” I am not “acting like aRead more sheep.” I am saying what I’m saying here because I actually know what the hell I’m talking about, and because I’ve been trained to tell the difference between “empirical evidence” and urban legend.

If you could say the same, we wouldn’t be having this discussion.

Yesterday at 13:55
Stephen Saunders

Stephen Saunders

Easy there Mr. Defensive……NOW I believe you are under the hypnosis of your own ego and the entrenched Academia that ‘lives’ in the educational system. You are starting to realize that you were duped by the very system you dumped the responsibility for spiritual awareness and discernment upon, and it is ontologically scary for you. Don’t worry Read moreyou don’t have to shoulder the burden on your own. There are many of us who went beyond the ‘accepted bounds’ of Information and have brought to light alot of truth. As for my education, and the notion of how to solve the challenge of building and keeping a strong constitution (good health and no need for vaccinations) start with the paper that I wrote:
Don’t see it as an Academic pissing contest, believe me, that holds zero interest for me, I don’t give a fuck how smart or educated ANY OF YOU think I am. I am a champion of the Empirical and correspondingly Quantum truth, it is not about me and how educated i am or am not. That’s EGO BULLSHIT.
Use this information to further the enlightenment and education of all, and Don’t let population control get you.
Yesterday at 23:16 · Delete
Paul Suliin

Paul Suliin

Riiiiight. I won’t even go into my “spiritual awareness” cred with you. Ask our hostess. Meanwhile, if you want to talk about “empirical evidence” come up with some peer-reviewed papers. That’s the sort of empirical evidence that those of us who know what the term actually means respect.

I suspect that we mean very different things by “Academia.” However if your meaning is anything close to “Those who study this stuff for a living” then yeah, that’d be me all right.

Stephen, you’ve demonstrated repeatedly in this discussion that you don’t know what you’re talking about. You don’t understand immunology. You let your preconceived notions about my own qualifications lead you off into harebrained nonsense about being “hypnotized by the media” when in fact I’ve been studying things like this professionally (as in, people actually pay me for my knowledge) for over 25 years now. Read more

It’s good that you don’t care about how educated you appear. That undoubtedly saves you a lot of personal grief, and certainly makes it easier to believe that education and hands-on experience in the field don’t actually matter. For now, though, if your best “empirical evidence” is simply your own uninformed speculation, then I think we’ve taken this about as far as we usefully can. When you have real, verifiable, reproducible and statistically valid information, we’ll talk.

18 hours ago
Stephen Saunders

Stephen Saunders

You don’t even see how you have spun this conversation around to toot your own horn, and can’t get off of it.
An institution pays you to enrich your own ego dude.
So last Century……
You are posturing for the Facebook Crew.Read more
If you really cared about debating the subject here, you’ll take this to email.
Let’s go private and talk about how much more smart and educated you are than I, shall we?
8 hours ago · Delete
Stephen Saunders

Stephen Saunders

“Meddle Ye Not in the Afffairs of Wizards for thou art CRUNCHY, and good with Ketchup…..”
8 hours ago · Delete
Paul Suliin

Paul Suliin

You think that companies pay consultants out of an altruistic desire to stroke the consultants’ egos? Where do you come up with this stuff?

No, Stephen. Institutions pay me to enrich themselves. My clients pay me because I know enough to help them improve what they do, and that makes them money, so they give me some of it in exchange.

I’m “tooting my own horn” simply because you started brandishing your ignorance about my motivations and knowledge – you’re still doing it, still just as ignorantly. The subject hasn’t changed because you’ve had nothing to contribute since I pointed out that everything you’ve offered so far is unsubstantiated nonsense.Read more

I’ve no interest in discussing anything privately with you, Stephen. If you had anything worthwhile in this area you’d have brought it forth publicly by now. And I can’t imagine establishing your educational credentials any more firmly than you already have. As I said, if you come up with real evidence – peer-reviewed research – let me know. Otherwise you’re just repeating yourself.

2 hours ago
Stephen Saunders

Stephen Saunders

Yep that’s what I thought, Paul, for all of your education and investment in such, you are IGNORANT.

You IGNORE and you RANT.

Just because you won’t look at information, just because you AVOID THE TRUTH, does not make it unsubstantiated.Read more

You are attempting to protect your (tenuous) position with insults and attacks against me personally in order to avoid the debate, and then take your ego and run and hide.

You can’t help it, you are afraid.
Take a number and get in line behind all of the other fearlings, but rest assured there are plenty of us out here tackling reality while you hide under skirt of your self-inflated puffery and selective perception and retention.

Of all the running on you have done attacking me in this thread instead of debating the sanity of accepting an untested vaccine that is KILLING PEOPLE
(you’ll justify THAT grim fact with some statistic designed to justify the cost of human lives) You have not offered one shred of your research up for us, nor one example of where you have clearly used your god given gift of intellect to improve the quality of human life or relieve any suffering whatsoever.

Best of success on your path Paul, I am certain you are on the way to your wake up call just like all of the rest of us.

I am little disappointed that you didn’t have more balls than this… I might have learned something, as I know that the more I know the less I know! I don’t think you hold the same view, you are only interested in polluting your friends FB threads with ego-posturing but when the gloves come off, you jam your fingers in your ears and close your eyes and start yammering insults…. just like a good little robot.

