Mushrooms as Medicine with Paul Stamets at Exponential Medicine
More resource links on Cancer.
(Courtesy of Justin Black.)
How to Safely Get Vitamin D From Sunlight
22 Foods Scientifically Proven to Help Prevent Cancer (and Ideas for Preparing Them!)
11 Cleaning Ingredients that Have Been Linked to Cancer
The ‘Toxic Twenty’ Cosmetic Ingredients and Contaminants (PDF)
The Top-Rated Carcinogen-Free Cleaning Products
Indoor air pollution: How to protect yourself and your family
What Do I Do if My Drinking Water Has Arsenic?
7 Ways Exercise Can Boost Cancer Prevention
Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy
EMFs, Frequency and Humans
The standard Western medical model has treated the human body as a collection of chemicals and little else.
That is why the #1 treatment option has been, and likely will remain for some time, pharmaceutical drugs.
Of course, we are chemical beings, but that’s not all we are.
As much, possibly even more so, we are electromagnetic beings. We’re photonic.
Or as the documentary Resonance puts it, beings of frequency.
This documentary is just over an hour and a half long, and it is well worth watching.
Some of the highlights include:
* What is Schumann Resonance and how does it affect us?
* How Bees and Colony Collapse Disorder are linked to EMF’s.
* Why the Research isn’t 100% Clear, unless you know what you’re looking at…
* How EMF’s turn off Melatonin, affecting your sleep and cancer rates.
* And much more
Right now, you can watch this for free. I don’t own this video so it could be pulled down at any time. You can find it on the blog here.
It is because we are beings of frequency that specific frequencies we use on a daily basis negatively impact our health (like smart phones, Wi-Fi and others do).
It is also true that we can use specific frequencies to INCREASE our health. That’s what Blushield devices do.
Jayson Bawden-Smith writes in his book, In The Dark, “What is Blushield technology? It’s the most advanced EMF protection I have found to date. I don’t make this bold claim lightly – I’ve researched, tested and assessed the efficacy of countless technologies…Our bodies respond to the Blushield’s natural, coherent frequencies rather than to incoherent and harmful EMF’s. Put simply, your body will be made invisible to harmful EMF’s.”
This book is well worth a read, and of course, I think he’s spot on here. 😉
If you’re wondering what to get, our most popular product is the Home Pack, which features the Tesla Gold Series Portable unit and the Tesla Gold Series Plugin. This way, you’re protected in your home and on the go. Find out more here.
Brandon Amalani
P.S. In my next email I’ll be sharing some other ways, including ones that aren’t covered in the above documentary, that EMF’s harm human health.
9 Fulvic Acid Benefits And One Weird Thing
Valentin Matyukhin, Polly Ironclad For this very valuable article!
Published: 08/2017; Updated 01/2020.
Fulvic Acid is one of the primary active components in Shilajit that works to fully unlock all of it’s amazing nutritional benefits. To understand the beauty of Shilajit, it’s crucial to take a look at what Fulvic Acid is and how Fulvic Acid benefits us.
What Is Fulvic Acid?

Fulvic acid is actually an umbrella term used to talk about a group of organic acids, namely fulvic acids, which are classified as one of three types of humic substances that make up humus, the decomposing organic matter in soil.
What is humus?
One can view humus like a charged organic sponge that holds moisture and contributes to the stability, structure and nutrient-storing ability of healthy soils1.
Organic matter turns into humus when subject to the right conditions over time; such as low temperatures, pressure, lots of moisture and a lack of light – all factors that allow for a wide diversity of soil organisms to thrive. This process is known as humification.

Humus is made of three categories of organic acids: humins, humic acids and fulvic acids, all of which are long-term products of microbial and geological activity.
What is fulvic and humic acid?
Alongside fulvic acid, humus consists of two other organic acids: humin and humic acid.
Each are composed of relatively long-chain carbon molecules that have formed complexes with oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulfur, as well as many other trace elements.
Due to the negative charge of the organic acids that make humus up, it attracts many positively charged trace mineral ions (cations) like calcium, potassium and magnesium, allowing a healthy soil to retain its nutrients. This is also known as cation exchange.
All of the components of humus are also capable of drawing out and chelating heavy metals and other toxins from the soil by a similar charge-based mechanism – this contains them safely; versus letting them wash away and leach out other soil nutrients in the process.
Particle size is one of the primary differences between humins, humic acids and fulvic acids; the size difference decreasing in that order. This size difference, alongside a few other characteristics, gives each group unique properties:
- Humin consists of the largest sized particles which gives it the highest molecular weight, absolutely no water solubility and as a result, makes it highly resistant to microbial decomposition or to being absorbed by plants. Humins have the highest carbon content out of the three, yet maintain the lowest oxygen content. They take the longest time to break down.
- Humic Acid sits in between humin and fulvic acid in terms of particle size and molecular weight. Smaller particle sizes and the fact that humic acid is water soluble in any pH above 2 makes it easier for soil microbes to break it down into bare elemental ions. This in turn greatly enhances the absorption of any nutrients that humic acid holds, both for plants and animals. Humic acid can be produced at slightly higher temperatures than fulvic acid and under drier conditions.

Humic acid / Wikimedia Commons
- Fulvic Acid is the fraction of humus that contains the smallest size of particles and thus has the lowest molecular weight. The particles fulvic acid is made from are all elemental ions, the basic building blocks of all matter. It is water soluble in any pH and offers ionic trace minerals that are both electrically charged and small enough to pass through any cell wall with great ease. Natural fulvic acid maintains the lowest carbon content as well as the highest oxygen and trace mineral contents. Mild temperatures and large amounts of moisture are needed for fulvic acid to form in the soil.

Fulvic acid / Wikimedia Commons
What Color is Fulvic Acid?
Humus tends to be an intense dark brown or black color, exactly like a mature compost heap. There is a reason it’s lovingly referred to as “black gold” amongst organic farmers!
When the components of humus are separated out, the colors vary from the yellow hues of fulvic acid to the pitch black shades of humin. In it’s extracted form, Fulvic acid can be either a liquid or a powder and it is often yellow, amber, brown or black in colour.
As all these substances are naturally mixed together inside humus and have each their own variances in hue, so you won’t be able to tell how much of each is in your compost just by looking at the color. The same applies to shilajit, one of the most abundant and naturally balanced sources of edible humic and fulvic acid!
Where Does Fulvic Acid Come From?
Through humification (the transformation of decomposing organic matter into humus), all nutrients are recycled back into the food chain via mineralization.
- Mineralization is a complex process in which soil bacteria enzymatically break down relatively large nutrient particles into their smallest possible components (mineral ions), eventually allowing for them to be absorbed by plants and other life forms at the cellular level.
The microscopic hairs on plant roots are the favored home to these bacteria, producing Fulvic Acid and other compounds which act as the bridge between organic lifeforms and inorganic trace minerals and metals.
Fulvic acid can almost be thought of as the ultimate end product of mineralization, as it is the fraction of humus that consists of the smallest ionic mineral particles. As a result, fulvic acid is highly compatible with the biochemistry of all life; being able to transport ionic trace minerals and other nutrients effortlessly through all cell walls whether they belong to bacteria, plants or animals.
Fulvic acid can be found alongside humic acid and humins in healthy soils, sediments and large bodies of water, occasionally also cropping up amongst rocks and coal. Commercial extracts of fulvic acid are often chemically extracted from fresh water lakes or deposits of peat and shilajit.

What is fulvic acid made from?
Fulvic acid is made mostly from very small atomic units of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen which are electrically charged. This gives it a high affinity for attracting other equally tiny atomic mineral particles and it often also contains close to 100 other trace elements as a result of it’s ionic nature.
How is fulvic acid produced?
Scientists have found it impossible to synthesize Fulvic Acids in a laboratory from scratch due to their complexity. With names like “10H-pyrano(4,3-b)(1)benzopyran-9-carboxylic acid” who can blame them?
This is because Fulvic Acid is composed of a series of ionic trace mineral bonds and tends to change its structure and function depending on what elements it’s exposed to. Only nature could produce such complicated substances! Therefore, the only way to produce it commercially is to extract it from an organic substance that already contains natural fulvic acid.
So how is fulvic and humic acid extracted and from what?
The only way to extract a concentrated fulvic acid is through a process of elimination where humic acid, impurities, micronutrients and any other components are removed from peat or similar substances, until all that remains is fulvic acid. There are more than 50 ways to extract fulvic acid and most of them involve using chemicals in reduction reactions. By the end of the process, the chemicals are cancelled out or removed, leaving a pure product. For more info, read our article about fulvic acid supplements.
9 Possible Benefits of Fulvic Acid
Fulvic acid is a universal substance that not only enhances the quality of soil but also appears to enrich the overall vitality of the body. According to ongoing research, the list of potential fulvic acid benefits currently under scientific investigation is increasing nearly every day!
Here are nine possible reasons why both Fulvic Acid and Shilajit may be useful as natural superfoods.
One of the best known nutritional benefits of Fulvic Acid include supporting gut health as well as boosting metabolism.
Since Fulvic Acid has a very small molecular weight and size, it can easily penetrate cellular membranes and deliver nutrients directly to where they need to go.5
It does more than this however, as it acts to enhance the permeability of cell walls, allowing for larger particles to be absorbed too! This aids greatly with the assimilation of nutrients and helps to equip cells with all they require to create the enzymes needed during digestion.
Another Fulvic Acid benefit that promotes metabolism is that it creates an optimal environment for probiotic bacteria to flourish.
What many do not realise about the bacteria in our gut is that they act like our very own microscopic laboratories, synthesizing all sorts of compounds our bodies need. They produce many vital nutrients by feeding off what we eat, making everything from fatty acids to neurotransmitters like Serotonin2!
In fact, scientists are starting to think that more neurotransmitters are made in our guts than in our brains and that lacking a healthy microbiome could be detrimental to many aspects of our well-being.
If one ingests Fulvic Acid with trace minerals, as found in Shilajit, then one supplies their gut bacteria not only with the perfect pH to live in but also a wealth of nutrients to feed from.

Fulvic Acid has also been shown to speed up the metabolism of both proteins and carbohydrates, which are less easily digestible than fats.

It is common knowledge that humic and fulvic acids act as environmental janitors so-to-speak, effectively binding to undesirable particles in the soil and large bodies of water, making them inert. Various studies have been published on how Fulvic Acid is capable of binding to pollutants such as a couple of chemical pesticides3 and Mercury4.
Due to these chemical properties, researchers are currently investigating fulvic acid’s potential as a cellular cleansing agent. While the results have so far been promising, the evidence is minimal and thus nothing is conclusive as of yet.
One such investigation revealed that factory workers – who were continuously exposed to heavy metals benefited immensely by supplementing with Shilajit or Fulvic Acid on a daily basis5.
Fulvic acid also appears to have a natural affinity for binding to free radicals and other undesirable cellular by-products. In theory, it potentially renders these undesirables inactive and therefore may help to facilitate a peaceful removal of our body’s molecular trash!
While the process is very slow and spans over the course of decades, scientists have observed that, Fulvic Acid is even capable of tackling radioactive particles!6 Don’t get too excited yet though, as there is currently no research to suggest that it works the same way in the body. There have however been a few synergistic scientific observations that indicate Fulvic Acid may be able to buffer our defenses against radiation.
The immune system can be seen as a complex network of cellular signals, designed to deal with any threats we may encounter from open wounds to bacterial invasions. The way cells signal to one another to alert the immune system of a danger involves the use of compounds such as cytokines and interleukins. Some of these compounds trigger transient inflammatory reactions while the body is dealing with any given threat – a necessary, yet sometimes unpleasant series of events. To prevent these reactions from going out of control, another wing of the immune system is dedicated to calming them down and keeping them contained to one area.
Fulvic acid appears to have the potential to tap into the way the immune system communicates, helping to boost it’s efficiency. This is highlighted by preliminary research (done on rats) and anecdotal reports which note how fulvic acid seems to boost the immune system’s fire power as well as reduce or speed through unpleasant reactions33 . In each context, fulvic acid promoted a quicker resolution of the problem and supported overall well-being.
Research has suggested that it is also likely to support our mitochondria due to its ability to penetrate into the cell, deliver nutrients and potentially stimulate a biological clean-up. When our mitochondria are functioning optimally, they produce antioxidant compounds such as SOD (superperoxide dismutase) and Glutathione. Antioxidants protect us from the damages of free radicals and help to keep the immune system contained.
Moreover, Fulvic Acid speeds up the absorption of Vitamins and trace minerals, which are needed to keep our immune systems in check. Shilajit Fulvic Acid has the added benefit of containing a wealth of trace minerals, such as Zinc, Magnesium, Potassium and more.
From multiple different angles, Fulvic Acid has shown promise in speeding up recovery time after surgery, injury and intensive exercise.
In one very interesting case study, surgeons at the University Hospital of Freiburg, Germany, were required to administer bone transplants to patients.
The only problem was that there was a shortage of healthy bone tissue and so they resorted to using cattle bones instead. The human body naturally cannot readily absorb calcium from animal bones or interact with these tissues whatsoever.
This is where Fulvic Acid came to the rescue!
After treating animal bones with Fulvic Acid, they were inserted into the patients. The cattle bones were easily absorbed by the patient’s bodies and normal bone tissue growth was accelerated, leading to full recovery7.
Shilajit Fulvic Acid is also noted by some to be a great post-workout recovery aid.
After a few months of using it, many have anecdotally testified that it completely takes away painful lactic acid syndrome. This is where too much lactic acid builds up in the muscles after intense exercise.

Fulvic Acid will also replenish electrolytes and rehydrate you, which is ideal after breaking a sweat!
In those with brain injuries, Shilajit and Fulvic Acid may prove to be useful as a nutritional support that complements recovery.
Preliminary studies have been carried out on rats who have suffered severe brain injuries. Shilajit helped to decrease the damage, brain swelling and protected against blood brain barrier disruption8. More trials would need to be carried out to assess whether the same is true for humans.
Aside from experimental data indicating that it promotes better wound healing, preliminary research suggests that fulvic acid may indeed support a healthy, vibrant complexion.
For example, in a 4-week study involving 36 participants with chronically damaged skin, it was seen that Fulvic Acid nearly restored all their skin back to its former glory, working better than a placebo to do so9. Although promising for the future of skincare, further trials are required before one can make any definitive conclusions.
Speaking of skincare, Fulvic Acid has been shown in a test-tube study to permeate through all levels of the skin, tighten it and help tone skin muscles by inducing more muscle contractions10.
This would not only help to fight off wrinkles, but – when combined with Fulvic Acids unique properties – would keep our skin in good condition by removing toxins and free radicals, as well as helping to retain moisture, protect against further damage and replenish the nutrients our skin needs to be radiant!
Last, but not least, Fulvic Acid has been proven to prevent the breakdown and glycation of collagen in mice11!
Just like us, mice need collagen to keep their skin in good shape, along with many other organs such as the kidneys. It is also a well known fact that collagen breakdown increases with age, and when combined with glycation, the result is usually paired with an increase in age-related diseases12. However, more research is still required to assess whether Fulvic Acid would help prevent this from occurring in our bodies too.
Nutritional deficiencies and a weaker immune system are some of the most common side effects observed in those who use chemotherapy. Research indicates that increasing dietary nutrient consumption encourages a more positive chemotherapy experience by facilitating optimal immune function and correcting any nutritional depletion.36
The way in which fulvic acid enhances dietary nutrient absorption suggests that it may have an amazing untapped potential as a nutritional support for those undergoing chemotherapy, although more research is still required to be sure. So far a handful of limited test-tube studies have added weight to this hypothesis, suggesting that fulvic acid is able to promote a stronger immune system37 and may be able to support a healthy micro-environment that in turn promotes stable cellular growth 13 14
Fulvic Acid is able to boost energy levels in multiple ways, all of which involve the mitochondria.

Animal mitochondrion diagram / Wikimedia Commons
Mitochondria are tiny cellular “organs” (organelles) which are inside many of our cells; particularly within cells found in the nervous system, muscle tissue, the heart, brain and gut.
These microscopic organelles take oxygen and other nutrients, producing energy from the electrons that these substances carry. The energy is stored in the form of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate), which the body breaks down and uses to finance every single thing it does, from blinking to digestion.
Fulvic Acid – when ingested in the form of Shilajit – was found to deliver more of these nutrients to the mitochondria, as well as increasing the uptake of oxygen. Furthermore, Fulvic Acid facilitates electrolyte balance in cells, which speeds the flow of electrons that the mitochondria use when creating energy15.
In other words, Fulvic Acid encourages the body to produce larger amounts of energy at a much faster rate than normal!
New models of aging are being considered by researchers world-wide and one of them, once again, relates back to the mitochondria16.
The mitochondria regulate our body’s stress response, our immune system, as well as the lifespan of each of our cells. We need our mitochondria for energy and so that our bodies can manufacture their own antioxidants, which are two important factors that are compromised in the elderly.
As explained above, Fulvic Acid plays an intimate role in protecting our mitochondria from damage, supplying them with the nutrients they need as well as heightening their capacity for creating energy.
The fact that Fulvic Acid potentially keeps our mitochondria functioning better for longer suggests that all our cells would live for longer, which would automatically ensure that we do too.
However, don’t get too excited! Even though we know that Fulvic Acid helps the mitochondria to function, no precise scientific trials have been carried out to confirm yet that it would directly increase our lifespan.

Aside from supplying you and your brain with more energy, one experimental animal study suggests that fulvic acid may actually make us smarter and more able to lay down information in our brains!
When supplemented with fulvic acid, old albino rats seemed to learn new things faster and remember them better than the control group of rats38. While the trial has only been carried out on rats so far, the similarities between our brains and theirs opens up a realm of exciting possibilities which will hopefully be explored in future studies.

Other preliminary research revealed that fulvic acid may have the potential to keep our minds sharp, young and flexible by promoting a smooth-firing nervous system. Fulvic acid in a test tube was able to dissolve proteins that are known to clump or harden up with age and interfere with nerve signaling in the brain.17 39 It also promotes the nourishment of our nervous system by enhancing nutrient absorption from our diets, including the nutrients that our brains need to function!
Weird Fact: Nobody Truly Knows How Fulvic Acid Does It
In spite of the many anecdotal testimonies, traditional use and scientific observations regarding Fulvic Acid, nobody actually understands how it works!
Many studies have been done to try and get a grip on what Fulvic Acid looks like on a molecular level; to try and find it’s pure underlying structure – but to no avail18.
Every time Fulvic Acid is extracted from a natural source, it looks different, and every time it is exposed to a new environment with different ionic particles, it changes in structure and function.
In fact, it is so tricky to ascertain Fulvic Acids nature that sending the same sample of organic matter to multiple laboratories will give you a different reading each time.

For the same reasons, nobody can give an exact amount of how much Fulvic Acid is inside a substance at any given time, they can only give an indication.
Fulvic Acid almost appears sentient when one considers how it selectively provides organic trace minerals to any living cell, while attracting and facilitating the removal of inorganic toxins. In many cases it even converts toxins into particles that the organism can use for benefit – the toxins it cannot convert, Fulvic Acid helps to eliminate from the system.
This counts for anything it comes into contact with, whether dirt, water, plants or animals – Fulvic Acid just seems to know what’s required for well-being at the cellular level in any given situation!
There is a good chance that science will never understand how it works, what it’s pure form looks like or how to artificially make it.
All we know at this point is that all life on Earth would suffer without it, which is why it is important to ensure we include it in our diets.
Chemical Properties of Fulvic Acid
Even though scientists are a bit clueless about fulvic acid’s chemical formula, they do know how to identify it based off it’s unique yellow color (once extracted) and also due to a few chemical properties that only it can display.
Fulvic Acid’s Ionic Nature & Ultra Trace Size
Fulvic acid comprises of particles that are much smaller than humic acid. All the particles in fulvic acid are ionic by nature, which is not strictly the case with humic acid or humins, even though they also do tend to have charged particles and also contribute to the mineral holding capacity of soils.
The ionic nature of fulvic acid makes it incredibly easy for ions to bind to it or be exchanged for other ions. This is what contributes to the way it holds nutrients in the soil, but more importantly to how it interacts at the cellular levels in our bodies. Our cells are designed to absorb ionic particles with a charge along an electric-potential gradient; meaning that ions with the right charge (usually also bound to a substance) are propelled to move to an area lacking that charge to achieve an electro-chemical balance (i.e. inside the cell).
Scientists are starting to look seriously at fulvic acid as a carrier molecule for drug delivery due to its ionic nature and incredibly high biocompatibility. Cells allow fulvic acid inside of them very easily due to its ionic nature. This is also why fulvic acid substances like shilajit have been used in medicinal preparations for centuries, as it increases the effects of anything it is paired with by making it easier for cells to absorb.
Is fulvic acid colloidal or ionic?
Fulvic acid is ionic and not colloidal. It should be noted that humic acid comprises of a mixture of both ionic and colloidal particles. Contrary to popular belief, colloidal particles also have a charge; however, it is a lot weaker than ionic particles as colloids are already contained within a strong bond, suspension or crystalline structure, as opposed to ionic particles which are more free (or loosely bound as seen in fulvic acid), charged and easily exchangeable.
Adsorption, Chelation & Complex Forming Ability
Both fulvic and humic acid have a high affinity for binding to toxic compounds in soil and water, keeping them subdued and essentially rendering them chemically inert. With toxic metals such as lead and aluminium, humic and fulvic acid are known to adsorb to their surface, meaning that they form a protective layer around the substance and keep it trapped. This is similar to chelation, however in chelation, only the atomical binding sites on the ion are “plugged up” with a suitable charge, whereas adsorption covers the entire particle. Fulvic and humic acid can do both, effectively acting as the universal janitors of the environment!
This same ability is also what allows these compounds to exchange beneficial mineral ions and form the amazing trace mineral complexes that they are famous for in both the agricultural community and natural supplement world.
You may be wondering how these substances seem to allow for only the good mineral ions (like potassium, magnesium, etc) to be exchanged with plants and our cells, while trapping only the bad ones. Scientists are still trying to get a grip on fulvic acid’s nature and ascertain exactly how it is able to do this, however, the most likely answer at this point lies within the charge of the ions it possesses.
If you take a trip back to chemistry class, you may remember that all atoms have an outer shell with electrons and that some atomic shells have only a few electrons (giving them a positive charge), while others have more and are looking to complete their outer shell (negative charge).
Organic life forms are made to interact with ions that their cells can use, which means that the cell already has a way to bind with what it can use and not with what it can’t. For example, oxygen binds to the iron-based heme protein in hemoglobin in blood to be transported around the body; without being bound, oxygen would cause tremendous damage to our cells. So without anything to contain “destructive” heavy metal ions, they become a problem – either by trying to pluck electrons from cells to complete their outer shell or by having loose electrons that contribute damage to our cells. Fulvic acid can contain all ions, while the organism’s natural affinity for selective mineral ions allows for them to be exchanged out of fulvic acid’s ion bank for any pollutants floating around in it’s cells. The same can be applied to human cells, animals, bacteria and that of plants in the soil.
Even though this picture likely covers many scenarios in theory, it still does not explain how fulvic acid works in its entirety. Fulvic acid has a somewhat unpredictable nature and tends to act differently depending on what environment it is in and the substances it is exposed to. Furthermore, our cells are capable of making mistakes – such as absorbing the wrong mineral ion with the same charge – which is not accounted for in this theory. However, in the majority of cases, it appears that fulvic acid works to balance the environment it is in through finding an electro-chemical balance.
What is cation exchange capacity?
Cation exchange capacity (CEC) is the ability of a soil to store positively charged ions (cations) such as potassium, calcium and magnesium19. Organic matter in the soil is known to have a very high CEC, as many charged particles get released during its breakdown via mineralization. This high electro-chemical attraction is the exact mechanism that allows organic matter in soil to hold nutrients in tact like a sponge, allowing plants and soil organisms to thrive. You also get Anion Exchange Capacity (AEC), which also occurs in soil but much less than CEC. In unhealthy soils with lots of erosion and loss of nutrients, there is very high AEC and low CEC.

Why fulvic acid has greater cation exchange capacity?
Fulvic acid has a greater CEC than either humins or humic acids because it works on a much smaller scale and specifically only with ionic particles. Humins, for example, contain a wide variety of large particles that still need to be broken down further before they have a charge suitable enough for attracting and holding cations; however this breakdown helps to fuel the process and contributes to a long-lasting CEC.
pH & Water Solubility

pH Scale / Wikimedia Commons
Fulvic acid is water soluble in any pH from 1 to 14, according to one science paper on the matter:
This means that as the pH increases, fulvic and humic acids will donate protons and therefore become slightly more negatively charged, which is a property of some weak acids that tends to alkalinize substances. However, it is also seen that different sources of fulvic acid react differently to one another22 and therefore it is difficult to make any direct statement about how it will function at any pH.
Does fulvic acid alkalize water?
It is difficult to say for sure if fulvic acid will alkalize water. As it is observed to release more protons the higher the pH and alkaline substances accept/have protons, there is a good chance it will alkalize your water. Due to it’s tricky nature, factors such as where the fulvic acid was extracted and what else it may be bonded with may affect the way it interacts with water, which is why one can’t be 100% sure about this.
Fulvic Acid as a Carrier for Bioactive Molecules
Humic and fulvic acids are not only ionic and water soluble by nature, but they are also potentially capable of carrying a whole host of other substances, allowing them to cross cellular membranes and also be water soluble to a certain degree (even if these substances do not have a strong charge or are usually insoluble in water). The secret behind this phenomenon lies in micro pores (or holes) found prolifically throughout the structure of both humic and fulvic acid. When other substances like fats are stored in these micro pores, they can then also easily pass through membranes and dissolve in water alongside the ionic minerals in both organic acids, remaining contained neatly inside their structure23.
This is also what is pushing scientists to look into shilajit and fulvic acid as carriers for other medicines and pharmaceutical drugs. Fulvic and humic acid used in this capacity would appear to kill two birds with one stone, as they would allow for particles with a low bioavailability to easily filter into cells (uncharged, water insoluble or otherwise), while also doing away with the need to bind the active ingredients to a potentially harmful substance. By placing micro amounts of the active ingredients inside these micro pores, the bioavailability of the drug could hypothetically increase.
To our current knowledge, humic and fulvic acid have been used successfully in this way with the following pharmaceutical drugs:
- Aspirin
- Insulin
- Piroxicam
- Itraconazole
- Ketoconazole
- Artimesinin
- Acyclovir
In a few of the above cases, humic and fulvic acid appeared to enhance the efficacy of treatment by discouraging side effects and supporting positive outcomes. Of course, shilajit which contains both these organic acids has been mixed with other herbal remedies and natural medicines for centuries to enhance their effectiveness – this is likely to be partly why!
DISCLAIMER: The above examples were prepared strictly in a laboratory where the molecules in the drugs filled voids of specific sizes under precise conditions. We do not advise that you go about mixing drugs with shilajit or fulvic acid as it enhances absorption and, without proper scientific handling, may also increase the side effects of such drugs.
Melting Point
Both Humic and fulvic acids have melting points of over 572°F (300°C). However, if exposed to temperatures above 102°F (39°C), any enzymes found present inside these molecules will begin to denature and destroy the quality. Prolonged exposure to any heat above that temperature will also begin to destabilize ionic bonds and may also start to oxidize the substance, potentially causing free radicals to be released in the process.
A Brief History of Fulvic Acid in Medicine
Dating far back through history, peloids such as peat, Shilajit and nutritious soils were used to treat wounds and heal all sorts of conditions, as it was believed they had medicinal effects.
These ancient soils were a rich source of Fulvic Acid, which is likely to be one of the reasons our predecessors benefited from them.
Shilajit is the oldest documented remedy that contains Fulvic Acid, with an impressive track record dating back more than 3000 years. Ayurvedic practitioners still use it today to treat every kind of condition from diabetes to asthma.

The Chinese were among some of the first to have recorded using peat on open wounds medicinally from the 15th century, followed by the Europeans who favored mud baths as a treatment for arthritis. Today mud baths are still used in Spas as a part of balneotherapy to rejuvenate the body.
Hospitals and combat medics during WW1 used processed peat to treat open flesh wounds on the battlefield.
This practice lost popularity through advances in medicine, until just recently. Scientists are now beginning to come full circle after doing more research on Fulvic Acid. A few of these research papers show promising results that suggest Fulvic Acid24 and Soil-Based Organisms25 may boost immune function when fighting infections, facilitate pain relief and speed up wound healing. Presently, however, Fulvic Acid is used mainly as a nutritional supplement.
In spite of a rich history rooted in traditional medicine, there is inconclusive evidence to confirm that Shilajit or Fulvic Acid will help to cure or treat any medical conditions. There is, however, a small body of supportive data growing that is opening the gates toward further discussion, new research and perhaps a brighter future!
Why Fulvic Acid is a Key Ingredient to Healthy Living & A Thriving Ecosystem
Asking why we need fulvic acid is essentially the same as asking why we need nutrients, as fulvic acid plays a big role in helping us to absorb trace minerals. We need both in the right quantities to survive and thrive. The simplest way for us to obtain nutrients is by consuming natural, plant-based foods, which contain an abundance of vitamins, trace minerals and more. Doing that alone is not enough however!
Why Trace Mineral Absorption is Important
Trace minerals are part of the raw base materials our cells use to build anything or create anything in the body on a microscopic level. They are used to catalyze reactions, produce everything from new tissues to energy and are also required as coenzymes for the absorption of other nutrients like Vitamins.
While we need to make sure to get enough minerals, the most challenging part of optimizing our nutrition is its delivery into the cells. All nutrients have to bypass our immune system, be processed by our gut bugs and get through cellular membranes, or they will not be absorbed at all.
Our ancestors used to consume ultra trace amounts of fulvic acid on a daily basis in the form of organic produce – which, unbeknownst to them, would enhance the way they absorbed dietary nutrients.
Unfortunately, poor modern farming practices such as pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and erosion, have encouraged the Earth’s soils to suffer from both from severe mineral depletion and a loss of healthy bacterial diversity. The ground is exhausted, barren and sick. Thus, plants lack the necessary components that support nutritional absorption, such as Fulvic Acid.
Due to these modern conditions, it has become a fact that we do not get enough trace minerals from the food we eat and thus a Fulvic Acid supplement is desirable for optimal health and well-being.
How Does Fulvic Acid Work in the Body?
From plant to animal life, Fulvic Acid plays an extensive role in transporting nutrients in and out of cells, facilitating biological trash removal, “digesting” inorganic compounds and balancing cellular electrolytes. As mentioned above, it acts as a go-between by converting inorganic substances into their organic bioavailable forms.
Fulvic Acid can do this because it has a high affinity for ionic particles, forming complex ionic trace mineral bonds between them. One molecule of Fulvic Acid is capable of holding up to 60 other ionic particles or trace minerals!
Inside the human body, this translates to significantly improved absorption of trace minerals and other essential nutrients. Apart from this, Fulvic Acid also alters a cells membrane, making it more permeable and allowing more nutrients to pass through. Furthermore, it helps the gut to be more hospitable to probiotic bacteria, ensuring more nutrients can be processed and produced by them, providing more in turn for us as a whole.
The affinity fulvic acid has for trace minerals is what allows it to bind to pollutants, facilitating their eventual recycling back into nature via decomposition.
Another feature that makes Fulvic Acid so rejuvenating is that it is the most powerful natural electrolyte. Electrolytes are needed for the maintenance of good health in any organic body. They restore each individual cell to its chemical balance, effectively lengthening the cell’s lifespan. When this electrochemical potential is exhausted, the cell dies.
Dietary Sources of Fulvic Acid
It is clear that many of us are deficient in nutrients and fulvic acid and that we should be consuming more of each to ensure that we have enough Fulvic minerals in our body. So now the question remains: where can we get more fulvic acid?
1) Foods high in Fulvic Acid
Foods highest in fulvic acid will be those found growing in healthy soils, as well as sea vegetables or foods grown in large bodies of natural water. These include:
- Root vegetables: beetroots, carrots, turnips, parsnips, radishes, potatoes, dandelion roots, ginger, turmeric, arrowroot, maca, any other edible roots.
- Bulb vegetables: onions, spring onions, leeks, shallots, garlic.
- Sea vegetables: seaweed, nori, kelp, dolse.
- Other: blackstrap molasses.
Leafy green vegetables and any other vegetables grown very low to the ground or that touch the soil may also contain very small amounts of fulvic acid.
Essentially organic foods will have the highest concentration of fulvic acid as pesticides and chemicals kill off the beneficial soil bacteria that produce it. Incorporating more of the above foods raw into your diet will also help keep the fulvic acid in tact, as heating it may destroy some of its properties. Non-GMO produce and whole foods (i.e. eating the whole plant vs one part of it) typically both contain a larger quantity and balanced variety of nutrients, which compliments fulvic acid’s action and boosts our overall well-being.

2) Fulvic Acid Supplements
Fulvic acid is available in a concentrated form in some health shops and online. Out of all the options available, this is the easiest go-to option but it can also be the most unbalanced. Afterall, we are designed to take fulvic acid in very small quantities when we eat plant-based foods grown in thriving soils and not so much in large artificial concentrations.
Furthermore, the concentration of fulvic acid in any medium is just as much a mystery as its chemical structure! Any two laboratories will give a different percentage for the amount of fulvic acid contained within a sample, even if the same methods were used; meaning that you can’t ever be sure of how concentrated your fulvic acid supplement is. There is no such thing as a 100% pure concentrate and any figure you see regarding a set amount of fulvic acid is more of an educated guess that will differ depending on who you ask.

The source of fulvic acid is another consideration to keep in mind. Some fulvic acid (known as oxifulvic acid) is derived from coal, while others are derived from lakes that have possibly toxic levels of pollution.
We recommend using a natural supplement like humate or shilajit, alongside a healthy diet rich in organic produce to get your fulvic acid fix. However, if you are dead set on a fulvic acid “concentrate,” then there are ways to source a good quality supplement. For more information, check out our fulvic acid supplement article.
3) Shilajit
Shilajit is found in the serene surroundings of mountains, and it is the only natural source of Fulvic Acid ready for human consumption26. Shilajit is known to have the highest content of Fulvic Acid over any other source found in nature.
Therefore, one of the best ways to obtain Fulvic minerals supplementally is to use Shilajit, as the proportions are naturally balanced and work appropriately with our biology.
What is a Shilajit Fulvic Acid Complex?
Shilajit is the culmination of hundreds to millions of years of organic matter decomposition and geological “digestion,” resulting in a highly stable nutritious substance that is loaded with humic and fulvic acids, trace minerals and many other beneficial components, like amino acids and healthy fats. Fulvic Acid’s high affinity for trace minerals is what allows for nutritious substances like Shilajit to come together, creating a powerful cocktail of trace minerals that easily bypasses cellular membranes.
How much fulvic acid is naturally in Shilajit?
Research indicates that it may contain anywhere from 5-8%, depending on where it is harvested and the method used to obtain the reading. As this is only a good guess at best, do not believe shilajit sellers who try to promote their shilajit as better due to having a higher concentration of fulvic acid.
What Other Sources Can You Get Fulvic Acid From?
Aside from including fulvic acid in your diet through the above sources, one can also receive it through the skin while immersing in nature. Since fulvic acid is naturally found in soil and large bodies of water, the following activities will boost your exposure to this wonderful nutrient:
- Swimming in the ocean, a natural lake, river or hot springs
- Gardening
- Taking an interactive walk through a forest or similar natural setting
Clay may also contain fulvic acid in minute quantities, depending on where it was collected. If it comes into contact with fulvic acid, clay has the potential to trap the fulvic acid inside of its rigid structure. So the next time you try out a bentonite clay mud mask or bath, you may be getting a little bit of fulvic acid through your skin too!
Of course, the above activities will not be as potent as ingesting fulvic acid from food sources, yet at the same time, one does not need lots of it to make a difference. A little bit of nature truly goes a long way toward our vitality and well-being!
3 Ways How to Use Fulvic Acid
Aside from taking it internally for a nutritional boost or basking in it externally, fulvic acid has several other practical applications.
#1 Gardening
The root bacteria on plants need moisture to flourish but also so that they can create fulvic acid and multiple other enzymes. These organic acids and enzymes work continuously to break down minerals into ions so that both the bacteria and plants can absorb them. In turn, the plants also “sweat” out nutrients to keep feeding the bacteria. In dead soils, fulvic acid supplemented in VERY small amounts helps to shift the soil pH favorably so that these bacteria can thrive as well as promoting quick breakdown of organic matter and nutrients. This in turn helps plants to thrive.

Be careful though. Too much fulvic or humic acid can cause root deformation and is not healthy for the plants, capable of causing either root burn, soil sterilization or a bacterial overgrowth.
How to make fulvic acid in the garden
Soil bacteria make fulvic acid all the time, as do the colonies present in a healthy thriving compost heap!
Making compost is one of the easiest ways to incorporate fulvic acid back into the garden. For the best results, use plant-based kitchen scraps, grass trimmings, and wood cuttings. Make sure the compost heap is piled high (not wide) and remains perfectly moist at all times (but not soggy). Chopping up the ingredients helps incorporate more air, as does flipping the compost heap every now and then. Soil bacteria need small pockets of air to thrive as much as they do water and organic matter, allowing them to feed and produce fulvic and humic acid.
How to make fulvic acid at home
For those of you who can’t make compost but still wish to supplement your plants with some fulvic acid, there is another way to make it at home.
Essentially, placing plant-based organic matter in a non-transparent, airtight container and leaving it for 6-8months in a cool, dark place will generate a bunch of organic acids, including humic and fulvic acids. This is pretty much small-scale composting that can be done inside the home the end result is NOT fit for human consumption; however, it is really good for the garden!
We recommend being very patient and waiting out the full time to avoid any unpleasant smells along the way. If your container does not seal properly, wrap it in a black bag and store it outside away from sunlight and heat or in an area where it will not be bothered or bother anybody (such as your basement or attic).
Using leafy green vegetables that have a high moisture content works best as these are loaded with water, nutrients and fiber that allow the bacteria to do their thing. Other kinds of organic matter also work, but may take longer.
You’ll know it’s ready by the following indications:
1. It smells neutral with a slight earthiness to it.
2. Any organic matter that was there will have completely turned into a dark brown or black liquid. If there are any particles left, they should resemble healthy dark brown-black compost and can just be added to the soil as is.
Once ready, dilute the liquid into water until the water becomes clear again and proceed to feed your plants.
#2 Disinfectant
Humic acid is widely known for having antimicrobial effects in larger concentrations, working as a great disinfectant of wounds and any surfaces. In recent years, studies reveal that fulvic acid seems to have similar properties in this regard, potentially able to destroy several strains of bad bacteria, including: E. Coli, Candida, Streptococcus, Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, Proteus, and Staphylococcus27. Research has also shown that fulvic acid has a wide range of action that prevents biofilms from forming28, something of particular importance to both home and oral hygiene.
In light of it’s probiotic properties, using it as a disinfectant for your hands and around the home could be a healthier alternative to bleach and other life-destroying chemicals, as fulvic acid will promote the growth of healthy probiotic organisms. On that note, it could also be seen as a very expensive alternative and therefore may not be very practical unless one is very sensitive. However, if you are not getting any luck with your classic brand of mouthwash, you may want to start thinking of using a fulvic acid supplement!
#3 Food Purifier
Due to fulvic acid’s ionic nature and ability to contain toxins in soil and water, it could be used as a master chelator in your food. If you can’t get organic food and are sensitive to chemical sprays, washing your vegetables in a solution with a little bit of fulvic acid may help to contain some of the chemicals. Fish is another food that is reported to be high in heavy metals like mercury, so soaking your fish in diluted fulvic acid could be a creative solution to meeting your omega-3 requirements without potentially risking mercury exposure.
As with any other metal-binding substance like zeolite or clays, it may also take out some good mineral ions like zinc from your food. This can be rectified by using a mineral-rich fulvic acid supplement like shilajit (either by soaking the food with that and/or by taking that separately), ensuring that those nutrients are constantly replenished. It’s a good idea to have a mineral supplement regardless, as the majority of soils (and foods) are depleted of trace nutrients to begin with.
How To Take Fulvic Acid
There are many ways that one can take fulvic acid. Since a fulvic acid supplement mainly comes in the form of a powder or a liquid (sometimes resin in the case of Shilajit), fulvic acid is easiest to consume diluted in a beverage. One may also soak their food in it to clean the food and add extra nutritional value to your diet. Adding it raw to food in very small quantities will also work, as long as you follow the dosage guidelines on your supplement and do not go against the contraindications mentioned in the safety section below. Then of course, the foods you eat themselves can contribute to your fulvic acid intake and are a great way to consume more of it.
Does fulvic acid need to be refrigerated?
Fulvic acid does not necessarily need to be refrigerated. It needs to be stored in a dark, cool place below 104F (40C) in an airtight container away from heat and light. If you live in an area that has a room temperature higher than that on average, then you aught to store it in the fridge.
Does fulvic acid have an expiry date?
Fulvic acid does not have a known expiry date when stored under the right conditions, away from heat, light and oxygen. Exposure to halogens (like chlorine in tap water) and plastic may also degrade the quality of the fulvic acid, allowing for it to “spoil”. Manufacturers often give their fulvic supplements an expiry date of 2-5years on average, although most of them will tell you that it’s more for safety and the water part than the fulvic part.

What’s the best way to take fulvic acid?
The best way to take a fulvic acid concentrate is simply by diluting it in distilled or reverse osmosis water and drinking it; as well as consuming a healthy diet rich in the organic foods listed above under the dietary sources section.
In terms of taste, fulvic acid on it’s own tends to have a sharp flavor and so some like to mix it with their favorite beverage instead. Never mix it with alcohol, pharmaceutical drugs or any substances that you might react to because it will enhance your absorption of those substances and therefore the side effects. Tap water and halogens like fluorine and chlorine will also react with it to form toxic by-products, so never drink it with tap water.
Fulvic Acid Recipes
For those of you who are open to experimenting, here are some great recipes to use for incorporating more fulvic acid into your diet!
Fulvic Honey Mustard Lemon Salad Dressing
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 1/4 cup lemon juice
- 2 tbls honey
- 2 tbls stone-ground/smooth mustard (make sure there is no alcohol in ingredients)
- 1 tsp snipped fresh thyme (optional)
- 1/4 tsp pink Himalayan or sea salt
- Pinch of ground black pepper
- Pinch of turmeric (optional)
- 2-3 drops fulvic acid concentrate (or 1 dose as per instructions)
1. Combine all ingredients in a screw-top jar and shake well.
2. Serve over shredded greens as desired.
– Adapted from Diabetic Living Magazine at EatingWell.com29
Fulvic Chocolate Ganache Truffles
- 1/3 cups (200g or 7oz) dark chocolate or vegan chocolate of choice, broken in pieces
- 1/2 cup heavy pouring cream or coconut cream
- 1/2 cup cocoa powder or raw cacao powder
- 1 dose shilajit or fulvic acid concentrate

1. Finely chop chocolate and place in heat-proof bowl.
2. Heat cream in a saucepan till it begins to simmer and is hot to the touch, but do not let it boil.
3. Immediately pour the hot cream over the chocolate and let it sit for 3-5mins before whisking till smooth. The ganache part is ready!
4. At this point it shouldn’t be too hot to touch. Whisk in the shilajit or fulvic acid till fully incorporated. PRO TIP: If using powder, sieve it in to avoid lumps. If using shilajit resin, melt it in ±2 tsp warm water so that it matches the consistency of the chocolate ganache and blends in smoothly.
5. Cover and place in fridge to set (±1-2hours). If you live in a cold climate or have a cold fridge, check on it after every 30mins as you don’t want it to become rock hard. It should be a similar consistency to cookie dough and easy to work with in your hands.
6. Sieve the cocoa or cacao into a mixing bowl.
7. Scoop out evenly sized balls with a cookie scoop or use a tablespoon and judge with your hands – one truffle should fit snugly in the palm of your hand, using ±1 tbls ganache. Roll the balls smooth with your hands before immersing them in the cocoa and giving them an even coating all over.
8. Store in the fridge and enjoy!
– Adapted from SweetestMenu.com30
Fulvic Acid Dosage
How Much Fulvic Acid Do We Need?
There is no set daily amount for Fulvic Acid for two reasons: we should be getting it in more than adequate quantities from organic plant-based foods and we only need it in miniscule amounts to maintain balance.
Since our soils do not contain enough Fulvic Acid anymore, it is important to consider a natural Fulvic Acid supplement like Shilajit.
The amount one should take also depends on the state of health one is in and it is best to consult with a healthcare professional if considering to take pure Fulvic Acid.
Taking pure Fulvic Acid may be harmful, as not all extraction processes or sources of Fulvic Acid are healthy and taking it directly also makes it very easy to overdose. It has also not been approved by the FDA at this point and so caution is advised.
Research has quoted effective fulvic acid doses as low as 20ml a day (approx. 1.5 tablespoons) for individuals exposed daily to high levels of heavy metals. The average person would not need to take as much to benefit.
How much fulvic acid can you take to be safe?
It is best to opt for far less, especially seeing as you would not need nearly as much if you were getting Fulvic Acid from the foods you eat. The safest route to take is opting for a fulvic supplement that already contains the right balance of it from nature, like Shilajit.
One only needs to take 100-150mg per day of Shilajit, which takes care of all our Fulvic Acid requirements while simultaneously adding a wealth of essential nutrients back into our diets!
Humic & Fulvic Acid Safety
In balanced amounts, both humic and fulvic acid are known to be highly safe and effective; both in modern scientific literature as well as historical records that are centuries old.
Just as with anything, however, it ought to be taken in moderation. If you take too much of it, there can be a few unpleasant side effects, but these are temporary and generally not harmful to the body.
Fulvic Acid Side Effects
Fulvic Acid side effects may include symptoms of allergy, such as nausea, dizziness, increased heart rate, itchiness, etc3. These symptoms are temporary, occurring as a result of the detox induced by Fulvic Acid and are only generally noticeable when it’s taken in large amounts. If taken in small, balanced amounts such as found in Shilajit, these problems should not occur.
Chronic use of Fulvic Acid without taking breaks can also cause Vitamin B3 deficiency.
Will fulvic acid affect hormones or increase testosterone?
Not enough research has been conducted on fulvic acid alone to fully answer this question; however, plenty of research shows that fulvic acid is safe to use without causing adverse effects on an organism. In soil research studies, fulvic acid has demonstrated the ability to attach to both free floating estradiol (a form of estrogen) and testosterone31. If this effect in the soil is replicated in the human body, then it might be helpful to those who have hormonal imbalances, as free floating hormone molecules tend to be problematic; especially if the liver and other elimination pathways are not functioning optimally to excrete them out.
If you use shilajit as your source of fulvic acid, then shilajit will certainly have a supportive effect on your hormones. Shilajit was shown to potentially help maintain healthy levels of testosterone, estrogen, progesterone and other vital hormones without causing any imbalances. Yet it’s unlikely that these effects are reliant on the fulvic acid portion of shilajit as it is rich in many hormonal precursors and nutritional building blocks.
Fulvic Acid Contraindications
A Fulvic Acid supplement should not be taken together with pharmaceuticals, alcohol or other potent medicinal substances. If combined with natural herbs, be sure that the herb is not contraindicated in your case or fulvic acid may exacerbate the side effects indirectly by increasing its absorption into your cells.
It’s best to give yourself a 2 hour gap between Fulvic Acid and these substances as Fulvic Acid will enhance their absorption directly into the cells, which can cause unwanted side effects.
Pregnant women should err on the side of caution and avoid using Fulvic Acid supplements.
You should also avoid using ordinary tap water when taking Fulvic Acid as it will dangerously react with halogens32, such as chlorine. Rather opt for reverse osmosis water which will not react with Fulvic Acid.
Frequently Asked Questions About Fulvic Acid
Is it safe to take Fulvic Acid?
Fulvic Acid is entirely safe to take as a nutritional supplement, provided you do so in small doses and adhere to the guidelines stated in the section above. We need Fulvic Acid to absorb nutrients and achieve optimal health. As it is now lacking from the majority of our food supply, it is more important to make sure we get an adequate amount in our diet.
Fulvic Acid may not be used to treat, prevent or cure chronic disease, as it is not classified as a medical drug, nor is it FDA approved.
What is the best Fulvic Acid supplement?
As mentioned above, Shilajit is the best Fulvic Acid supplement because it contains Fulvic Acid in natural amounts, making it the safest and most effective option.
Above that, Shilajit also contains a wealth of ionic trace minerals and many other incredible nutrients such as Carbon-60, Dibenzo-Alpha-Pyrones, plant polyphenols and more! When Fulvic Acid is paired in a natural, wholesome way with minerals, it will be able to quickly re-mineralize your body and support your well-being.
What is the difference between Humic and Fulvic Acid?
Fulvic Acid comprises of smaller particles than Humic Acid, allowing it to pass through cellular membranes and transport nutrients with far more ease. It is also able to bond to and chelate inorganic minerals into organic ionic minerals, where Humic Acid is not.
Is Folic Acid the same as Fulvic Acid?
Folic Acid is another name for Vitamin B9, which is completely different to Fulvic Acid, yet also a crucial part of your diet.
Can Fulvic Acid be used to treat Diabetes?
While there is no direct research testing whether Fulvic Acid itself can treat Type 2 Diabetes, there is evidence to suggest it may have promising potential as a nutritional support for those on anti-diabetic medications33.
In some cases, diabetic drugs such as metformin give rise to severe side effects like weakness and nutritional deficiencies40. Since Fulvic Acid is capable of boosting our energy levels and enhancing nutritional absorption, it may improve the quality of life for those who are experiencing severe side effects; provided the two are not taken together and that the person also consumes a nutritionally-balanced diet.
More research is still required to further our understanding however before any conclusions can be drawn. It is best to consult with your doctor before trying any nutritional supplements to support your protocol.
Does Fulvic Acid help hair regrowth?
The claim that Fulvic Acid helps hair to grow better has not been backed up yet by science, yet there are some indirect links that suggest it may.
Fulvic Acid helps improve gut health by allowing probiotic bacteria to thrive. Probiotics in turn have been linked to better hair growth as well as improved hair and skin health in general34.
Recently, it has also been shown that free radical damage is linked to a decline in hair follicle vitality35. Due to Fulvic Acid’s excellent free radical scavenging ability, it may help the body to maintain robust, healthy hair follicles if taken with the right nutrients (like biotin).
This research is not enough evidence to prove it would regrow hair with certainty, however it may be worth ruling out nutritional deficiency as the cause of your hair falling out by taking a Fulvic mineral supplement.
Can I make Fulvic Acid at home?
Technically you can, but it is not advised to use it internally as a medicine.
Every time plant matter is left to decay in moist, dark conditions, it will form tiny amounts of Fulvic Acid with lots of Humic Acids.
If you’ve ever had a compost heap and notice it begins to turn brown and eventually black, then you will be looking at a mix of all these different acids and more. These acids plus the resulting nutrients are essentially what makes compost valuable for your plants and the soil.
If you attempt to make Fulvic Acid in this manner, you will most certainly be left with something full of other contaminants that would be dangerous to ingest, but would be fantastic for the garden.
Does all Shilajit contain Fulvic Acid?
If the Shilajit has been purified without too much heating or exposure to oxygen, then it will contain 5-8% Fulvic Acid on average.
Anything higher than this generally means that extra Fulvic Acid was added in. This is not as beneficial as taking it in the amounts found in Shilajit, as these natural quantities are perfectly balanced and better tolerated.
Can my pets benefit from Fulvic Acid?
People have reported having success when administering Fulvic Acid supplements to their cats and dogs, in very small amounts. Remember not to give Fulvic Acid to your pets if they are on any medications and to discuss this approach first with your local veterinarian. It should not be given to birds and fish as they are far too sensitive.
It is also best to calculate the dose according to body weight. Divide your dose of Fulvic Acid by your body weight and multiply that by the weight of your pet.
Is Fulvic Acid good for plants?
Fulvic Acid is very good for plants. Without Fulvic Acid, plants would not be able to absorb nutrients at all.
Once again, be careful how much Fulvic Acid you give the garden as too much can cause an overload of soil bacteria and nutrients, which may burn the roots of your plants. Water down a few drops of either Fulvic Acid or Shilajit dissolved in water by at least an additional gallon or two and moderate from there.
Also space it out – your plants do not need to have this nutrient all the time as it will promote soil bacteria, which creates more Humic and Fulvic Acid in the soil itself, provided the soil is moist and well fed with nutrients.
What’s the difference between agricultural Fulvic powder and the one for human consumption?
As with most products, Fulvic Acid for human consumption is usually purer than that used for farming purposes. Do not use agricultural Fulvic powder as a nutritional supplement!
Man Claims an Inexpensive Medicine for Dogs that Kills Worms and Parasites Cured His Cancer
700 Medical Cannabis Studies by Disease
Feds’ Top Pot Researcher Says Marijuana Should Be Legal
Los Angeles, CA: A University of California researcher who has performed US-government sponsored studies of marijuana and lung function for over 30 years says that pot should be legal.
In an interview with the McClatchy newspaper chain, Donald Tashkin of the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, said: “[A]t this point, I’d be in favor of (marijuana) legalization. I wouldn’t encourage anybody to smoke any substances. But I don’t think it should be stigmatized as an illegal substance. Tobacco smoking causes far more harm. And in terms of an intoxicant, alcohol causes far more harm (than marijuana).”
Tashkin said that when he began his work thirty years ago, he “opposed … legalization because [he] thought it would lead to increased use and that would lead to increased health effects.” However, he now admits that his decades’ worth of scientific research revealed an opposite conclusion.
In 2006, Tashkin led the largest population case-control study ever to assess the use of marijuana and lung cancer risk. The study, which included more than 2,200 subjects (1,212 cases and 1,040 controls), reported that marijuana smoking was not positively associated with cancers of the lung or upper aerodigestive tract – even among individuals who reported smoking more than 22,000 joints during their lifetime.
“What we found instead was no association and even a suggestion of some protective effect,” Tashkin told the newspaper chain, noting that cannabinoids cause “cells [to] die … before they age enough to develop mutations that might lead to cancer.”
For more information, please contact Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy Director, at: For more information on marijuana smoke and cancer risk, please see: A literature review of cannabinoids’ anti-cancer properties is available at:
Did Dow Chemical Fake Safety Studies on Brain-Damaging Chlorpyrifos?
We’ve known for a while that Monsanto buried the truth about Roundup weedkiller by ignoring concerns by its own scientists. Now it seems Dow Chemical Co. has been using the same playbook.Dow (renamed DowDuPont after its 2017 merger with DuPont) likely knew for decades that its widely used chlorpyrifos insecticide is harmful to humans—especially children and developing fetuses.
Source: Did Dow Chemical Fake Safety Studies on Brain-Damaging Chlorpyrifos?